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The cultures came back with the bacteria identified as Staphylococcus aureaus, with no major resistance factors. This means we wont have to switch her antibiotics again, which is good.
She's still having some discharge, and the spay has been booked to go ahead tomorrow afternoon....well later on today (its nearly 1am here).

Please keep my precious wee girl in your thoughts, and thanks so much for all the well wishes.
I am so glad you have an answer, and it sounds like it is a pretty good chance of kicking this thing. I wish you two the best, and hopefully this will be the last of your health issues, it always comes in 3s!
Jasmine made it through her surgery okay *phew*
She woke up quickly, but because she immediately tried to bite her wound she had to have a collar fitted.
So we'll be hand-feeding for quite a while I'd say....but I dont mind, cause Im just grateful she's okay!

Jasmine is staying overnight at the vets, and we're picking her up tomorrow after work. I'll be camping beside her cage all weekend so I can look after her.

Im getting her cage ready shelves, so no jumping, and no woodchips cause we dont want dust getting in her wound. Im gonna use old bed sheets to line her cage (she eats fleece), and we've got a heat-safe snuggle pad to keep her comfy. Today we bought a grinder so I can make an alternative to critical care in case she is still refusing to eat it!!

Anyone have any other ideas?
HOORAY for Jasmine! So, so glad to hear that she made it through the surgery safely.

Ralph is not a big fan of Critical Care either, but if it's mixed with his ground up pellets and Lifeline, he'll eat it. You might want to try that.

Thinking good thoughts for little Jasmine, for a speedy recovery :)
Keep her eating as much as you can. One thing that you probably will need to do since this is type of surgery is really hard on girls is give her water several times a day through a dropper. Set the waterbottle pretty low so she doesn't have to stretch up to get water. Poor little pumpkin...I hope she recovers very soon. It could be a few weeks until she is fully herself.

I had to handfeed Meega for seven weeks before she decided to take over completely and eat enough for herself. She did great though, everything healed up after her little c-section.
We brought Jasmine home almost an hour ago. She was last fed at the vets about two hours ago, so I didnt push too hard with regards to getting her to eat.
I tried some CC mash on a spoon...she refused, and actually kacked at the spoon (at least she's feeling feisty I guess). Then I tried pellet mash, which was also refused. She wouldnt take hay out of my hand either.
All she would eat voluntarily was a pinch of oats off my palm....

any ideas on how to make the mash more palatable? I'd prefer to get her eating voluntarily rather than have to force feed....
I dont think we have Lifeline in this country. I recall something about adding a tiny bit of molasses to CC to make it taste better....can anyone confirm that??
I'll try the search function too.

Jasmine is currently having a snooze in the corner of her cage. She has been trying to jump (argh!), though as I took all her shelves out she quickly realized she wasnt going anywhere. The good news is her wound looks nice and dry, no crusts, and very little swelling.
any ideas on how to make the mash more palatable? I'd prefer to get her eating voluntarily rather than have to force feed....
I dont think we have Lifeline in this country. I recall something about adding a tiny bit of molasses to CC to make it taste better....can anyone confirm that??
I'll try the search function too.
Yes you can add molasses to the CC to make it taste better, I also sometimes add a bit of chamomile and peppermint teas.
Okay thanks for that, I have Red Seal brand of Blackstrap Molasses. What ratio of molasses to CC mix would I use?
Okay thanks for that, I have Red Seal brand of Blackstrap Molasses. What ratio of molasses to CC mix would I use?
I use just a drizzle of molasses. Just enough to give it a bit of a different flavor.
she wouldnt take it even with the molasses, so I had to forcefeed.

god she was squirming and kicking and fighting...I had to hold her so tight that it must have hurt her poor belly :(
I got 3mls into her (though she spat some out), but it must have hurt. She kept pushing her way out of the burrito and trying to jump out of my arms. She even managed to get onto the sofa and I had to pick her up again

I feel so bad right now....and poor Baby Jasmine must be feeling even worse
she wouldnt take it even with the molasses, so I had to forcefeed.

god she was squirming and kicking and fighting...I had to hold her so tight that it must have hurt her poor belly :(
I got 3mls into her (though she spat some out), but it must have hurt. She kept pushing her way out of the burrito and trying to jump out of my arms. She even managed to get onto the sofa and I had to pick her up again

I feel so bad right now....and poor Baby Jasmine must be feeling even worse
The first few times are often like that and you get very little in them. Keep it up and get as much in her as you can.
When you wrap her, put a towel across your chest, open. Lay her on your chest, closer to one edge of the towel. Quickly wrap the short edge around her body, tucking it in tight. Then pull the longer side around, over the back, under the belly, pulling it tight as you go. You want to be sure to keep those back legs still. Make sure the initial wrap gets the front paws in too. If you get all four paws securely into the wrap, it's darn near impossible for her to struggle and hurt herself. I don't do a burrito wrap, more like an elongated tube.

When you feed her, put her against the left side of your body (if you're right handed), laying her between your body and the length of your forearm. Hold her head between your first and third fingers, placing your pointer on the top of her head. It takes one or two times to get the feel for it, but again, it makes it pretty hard for her to turn her head away.
thanks for the tips Tunes, and you too Meanie for the support. I've gotten another 4mls into her. She fought less this time, and actually bit onto the syringe while feeding... I think this must mean she was feeling hungry, which I guess is an improvement.

How much CC does she need daily to keep her going? Oh and I've found a Johnson's cotton make-up pad resting on the cone-collar and tucked under the chin's chin makes an excellent bib....
Oxbow says 45 mL to maintain weight, but I've not found that to be true across the board. Depending on what she weighs, she may need more.
She's just a wee 540g.

I've been getting more and more into her with each feeding. She's fighting me less, and I'm getting better at administering the CC.
I'll probably have to increase the frequency of the feeds to make it to 45ml though. Right now I'm doing a feed every 3 hours and getting 4-6ml in each time....She's pooping plenty, though very small ones, and plenty of pees.

She's just so brave. I love my poor lil Baby J so much...
You're doing great. I use the same positioning as Tunes, tipped on their backs at a 30 degree angle. I usually put my left foot up on something so that their body also rests on my leg. I keep a tissue or cloth on my right leg to wipe dribbles on. With Tucker I don't get much CC coming back but he does sometimes get it on his lips, which he hates. So I wipe it off with my finger and wipe the excess on the tissue or cloth. If you don't make a mess of them, they feel better because it gets all nasty and clogged in their fur.