Prep of coconut shell

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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2009
Theodore, Alabama
Hey there! Hope all are doing well. I want to see if I can find out how you would prepare a coconut shell for your chin. I have seen some really adorable toys made with half of a shell and want to attempt construction. Would the shell need to be boiled and baked like sticks need to be? If so, how long would you need to boil it, and at what temperature, for how long would you bake it? Any help would be greatly apreciated - thanks!!:)
I was wondering the same thing, I had one and scrubbed it good but nothing else. I guess it didn't matter because they didn't really touch it but it would be nice to know how to prep it the right way.
The shell I used was an entire half of a coconut that I bought at a reptile show. It still had the fibrous part on it, but it had been boiled and baked in a kiln after they'd taken the fruit out. (From FL I think?) It's now a food dish, and the fibrous stuff is completely gone. Peeling it was apparently quite fun. Anyway, since mine was kilned, I'd say at least 30 min. at 375* to 400* F if it's still got the stringy stuff on it. It should come out uncomfortably hot to the touch when it's done to make sure anything that may have burrowed into it is a crispy critter before it goes into the cage.
my chin showed no interest whatsoever in the coconut I gave her, so I gave it to my dog who has destryoyed every toy he has ever touched, and the coconut was a big hit. He chews on it like a bone, and it is still intact! Just a thought about what to do with your coconut if your chin doesn't like it ;)
i would like to know how you even crack a coconut in half to make it perfect?? anytime i do a coconut it is a strange shape or in pieces. one time a piece even flew in my eye and i had to go to the eye dr to have him scrape it out. that hurt. a lot.
i LOVE it would be nice to know how to crack it properly......
Ok, there is an "equator" around the coconut - if you look at the shell, there is what appears to be a ring around the middle that is slightly indented. You take the coconut and hold it over your sink in the palm of your hand, and with a heavy object, I use the back side (not the blade) of a meat cleaver, you strike the coconut on this line, rotating the coconut as you hit it. Just pretend the coconut is oh, I don't know, your ex, your boss, that will give you the ability to hit it hard enough so that you should see it start to crack in this seam (who knows, you might derive a small amount of tawdry pleasure in the act ;-]). You will most likely have to turn the coconut a full way around more than once before the seam starts to crack, it just depends on how hard you strike, and of course, how good your aim is. When finished, the seam should crack all the way around giving you as close to two equal halves as you can get without a bansaw!!
When you prepare the shell do you remove all the coconut meat or just leave that inside? I have a coconut that I have no other use for up on the fridge. I love coconut, but getting it out of there is a pain in the's worth it to buy the preshredded stuff for baking. If I can use the shell for something, that would be great.

My husband is good at cracking them in half!
Jenn that is hilarious! Was that a whole coconut with the yellow/green skin on, or just the hard brown part? I live with a hard chewer who might enjoy one too.

I have a doberman, that has destroyed toys labeled as indestructable! The coconut is in its whole form. He gnaws and gnaws away at it, and after several months so far, has not destroyed it yet! It is his best toy yet!