Port Ewen, NY MCBA show on sept 19

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I love the show - probably more this time because my ebony male got best ebony male champion - WOW - didn't really expect that even though I knew he was nice
Congrats Barb!

I was very surprised with how well I did. Now just to wait for all the babies I'll have from these new guys I'm putting in.

Galadriel - Predominate White - Color Section Female
Arwen - Mosaic - Color Phase Champion
Amethyst - Dark violet - 1b
Ashes - Dark standard - Reserve Color Section Male
Hummel Male (with no name yet) - Dark standard - 1st
Trinity - Black Velvet - Reserve Color Section Female
Jacoby - TOV v/c - 2nd place (yes, I was expecting this from a v/c)

I purchased the color section female black and a 1b standard female from Paul K and I had already purchased Dee's violet girl who took reserve section violet female.

Ryersons took all of the top awards this year.
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I was very happy with my placings as well, considering three of the animals I pulled in August to show, and the others I was a bit ho-hum on. Going to shows helps me realize what I'm doing right, and what I can do to keep improving. Plus, they are the closest thing we get to a vacation!
It was nice seeing you again Jessica! I love that black male you have. Wish I could use another male, as I would have grabbed him too! That's ok, I got his sister!

I still wanted that female from Dennis, man she was nice. Her build was amazing.
I have to BEAUTIFUL chins. I now know the difference between "pet" chin and show chin.
My son was so cute but so LOUD I had to leave :( He kept saying "Remember DONT eat the brown tic-tacs"

I now want an ebony girl really bad. I saw some beautiful babys there at the show. Hmmmm Christmas is coming right. LOL
Yes he is sweet, but very loud. He was very impressed and concerned about the chins in their show cages. He knows how much room my guys have here and was asking me on the way home "Do they have to Live in those tiny cages?" I told him no and he said to me "Mom remember what that girl said about the food and water?' She takes really good care of her chins so I am sure they are spoiled like ours" LOL. Out of the mouths of babes.
I had fun at the show too. I did not take a carrier on purpose. But I did plenty of oooohing, ahhhing and drooling. :) So many beautiful animals!
I bought the reserve Color Section Champion standard male from Dennis, that big fat girl right next to him was from the same line so I'm hoping to have lots of big fat standards myself. There was a huge standard male the Baar's had, too, but I couldn't talk them out of selling him! There was a female I wanted from the Ryersons as well, but it was the one chin they didn't want to sell. Go figure. =p

I showed my two April Fool's day kits, Ocelot and Platypi. Ocelot - white SC - took a first and Platypi - Std SC - took Reserve Color Phase champion. I'm quite happy with that considering how tough the competition was!
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ooohh number 16 hunh Mish. I wanted her before she was shown. Very pretty girl. I am happy with what I bought. Nice violet male from Jim and Bill. I think he took a 1a or 1b. He was shown at York and got color class champ. I can't remember. I also brought home Paul's blk male that did awesome, Ryerson standard male, and 2 Longenecker standard females. I wanted his brick of a standard female. She was super nice.

It was alot of fun and the number of animals there was unbelievable. Hopefully next year will be even better.

Most of my photos are just my own animals. Hubby took others with his film camera but we haven't had them developed yet. I'll share them when we do!
Jessica, no, #13. She was a cannonball and of a lighter color phase than the other Ryerson standards, she would have been perfect for a sapphire line. I asked about her before the show and they said she was out of a special line and wouldn't sell her. =p It's rare for them to not want to sell something! ;)

I was taking notes for Paul, he asked me to since he was calling and wouldn't be able to get his comments. Those of you that bought from him, if you have their cage numbers I can give you the comments.
Cage no. 124 - Dark BV Class 4 - Really nice. Nice fur, a lot of it, has good flow. Has a shine to her.

Cage no. 128 - Medium Std Class 2 - Still a very nice animal, just can't compare to 127.