poor chins...

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OMG! Those boys are lucky they are not mine, beacuse I would smack their tails. Ugh! They are little monsters. Those poor chinnies.
Um wow.. can't believe he thinks it's ok to treat chinchilla's like that! Did anyone else watch the "chinchilla train" video of his.. ? Is it just me, or does the chinchilla seemed scared/stressed while being dragged around like that?!
I just about crapped, my heart stopped. That little $%#$ needs a good swift kick in the behind as my mom would say.
That is the kind of abuse Spice and her sister went through in a teenage boys care, took me 6 YEARS to undo the damage done emotionally. Her owner thought it was fun to throw them into the air and drop on the bed-until Sugar Spice's sister hit the ceiling fan and got brain damage from it-dude would not seek medical care for her and dumped both of them off at a rat rescue. I am just sick about those chins.
Oh man...I can't look. That kind of stuff makes me want to cry.
If these had been my children, they would not have been able to sit down for a week due to their butts being red and blistered. How can anyone sit there and let their kids do that to such a defenseless animal? This woman needs to have her head examined for letting her kids do this and her kids need to be taught a really good lesson..I'm thinking a few nights out in the swamp will teach em!
this kinda things makes me wish chinnies were viscious so theyd just jump and latch on to their faces so they could get revenge! Don't deserve them!
Those poor little chinchillas. Even my 7 yr old daughter was apalled at the way they were treating the more chins. So sad.
I too reported those videos. It made me so sick I just wanted to cry for those chins. Poor things being thrown, tail pulled, dragged around. The video of them dragging them poor thing was too scared to move. I hope they get bitten. And I hope someone can do something about this or they grow a brain and give them to someone who will love them
I can't watch the videos... I know it will piss me off. I can only imagine what the idiots are doing, so



