Poop consistency?

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Well-known member
May 26, 2010
Spokane, WA
I have read countless threads about poop (never thought I would be writing that) and I figured I would just ask a question because I am still unsure if it is normal. Louie's poop is normal size, color, and frequency, but is it normal if you are able to squish it right after it comes out? Basically if I check it after it has been out for a little bit, it is completely hard, but right when he does it, it is squishable. I feel like a weirdo obsessively checking his poop lol, but I figure it is better safe than sorry. Thanks!
Define "squishable" if you squish it is it sticky, or kind of a crumbly kind of squishy. The later is normal/ideal. If it comes out hard... he's constipated.

Sounds like you need a minor hobby... and sounds like his poo is probably pretty normal. :D
Haha I think I might need a hobby too. It is pretty crumbly. Yay! :dance3: I feel much better now knowing it is normal.