please don't be malo

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
huntsville, al
Buckie has been doing something odd lately and I don't really know what it means. When he eats, he chews normally but every minute or so he kinda does this half-yawn thing. I've also noticed that his top teeth have changed. On one of them, the bottom edge is flat and straight across. But the other is sort of slanted. His bottom front teeth have been worn to match the top though (one flat, one slanted).

I'm planning to take him for xrays this week. I'm really really really hoping that its nothing. He's always had tons to chew on. He goes through an apple chew just about every night, always has lots of hay, i feed him oxbow but he used to eat mazuri. I do know that malo can unfortunately be genetic and well, i got him from a pet store i worked at so I'm sure his genes aren't perfect.

I haven't noticed any other issues like drooling or anything. He eats, drinks, poos, and plays normally. (Though he has been especially grumpy since I refused to give him some of my banana nut cheerios a few weeks ago. apparently, he felt entitled to them)

Anyway, was hoping to get opinions about what could be going on.
I don't know anything about it, but I know how scared you must be. I will say a special prayer for your little one.
There is no way to know without Xrays. But good luck. It really could be something simple and easy to treat
Good luck. It could be that he just needs a trimming to get him set straight but hopefully not recurring filing. I have a malo chin. So far its been 3 months since our first trimming and she is putting her weight back on still so I hope I don't have to part with her too soon if the filings are at least 6 months apart. My girl had no real symptoms asides weight loss. Scales are a good idea to have just for the fact that it can be a good sign of something is wrong. I only got the scale after my girl started to feel a little bony.
yea, i keep thinking he looks smaller but he also seems to be shedding his winter coat too so not sure. he doesn't really feel lighter but...yea i really should get a scale. although, i only give my boys enough food for the day so i can keep track of how much they eat. he's eating fine though.

was it the weight loss that made you take your guy to the vet? just trying to understand why he's doing that weird yawn thing. unfortunately there aren't really any good exotic vets around here. i mean the few that do see chins know the basics but i worry they won't know how to treat malo if thats what it is. gonna get xrays done and see what they say. if they dont seem to know whats going on, i'm gonna just drive a few hours to see another vet.

thanks for all the hopeful comments :)
is it possible that since Buckie chews his apple sticks in a certain spot in his cage (he holds them up against a corner ) that his teeth are slanted because of that? i switched one of this shelves to the other side today. thinking if he chews his sticks against that corner, his teeth will be angled to wear down that slanted tooth.
Slanted teeth do not sound good, unfortunately, it sounds like text book malo. But, there is always a chance, and he needs a vet no matter what. Like said, it very well could be easy to fix. We will both of you the best of luck at the vet, INSIST on x rays, people have been bringing their chins in for possible teeth issues without getting x rays, and that is no help at all. You need x rays to see all the chins teeth properly. Good luck!
YES, you must get xrays! My chin does the thing you are talking about when i hand feed him, it seems almost like i am giving him too much or he is "gagging" on a chunk of something. he IS being hand fed because he has malo and is on meds.
insist on the x-rays. it really is the only way to truly tell what is going on and how to treat it. just because he has malo doesnt mean he has to be put down.......there are differnt types & degrees and you probably have many years left with Buckie.
Take a deep breath, find a good exotic vet, & get your credit card ready...............
Went to the vet today. They did a couple xray views, but you really can't see this back teeth at all.

In this one, i circled like the upper part of the roots of his teeth. I've been trying to compare that to other xrays and such. I know of course that it wouldnt be a medical opinion, but anyone have any thoughts??



I know they're not really very detailed. Any comments would be appreciated.
I can't help with x-rays.

The weight loss was why I brought my girl into the vet though. She started to feel bony so I got worried. I definitely swear that any small pet owner invest in one now and do semi regular weighing.
Yea honestly, he hasn't been weighed in quite a while. I'm a little ashamed of how long its been actually. But he's a really good weight, he's eating and pooping as much as always.

Was really hoping to get a definite answer today: malo or not. May go to a different vet and see if they can do a more detailed close up. The vet said he didn't feel anything unusual when he was feeling his back teeth..that was only slightly comforting.
Well malo doesn't always mean root overgrowth it could just be the slanting teeth which he has, but it could be more so environmental in this case from where he chewed his apple sticks which could possibly be one time thing.

I never saw my x-rays...i forgot to ask since my vet has the small animals come in on her surgery days in the morning if they are doing x-rays and gets to the animal accordingly with enough time for them to hopefully come out of the anesthesia most of the way.

I think I am going to ask for them when my dog gets his boosters in a week or so to see the root overgrowth as the vet said she seemed to have some.
yea i know it doesn't always been the roots are overgrown. I guess thats my big fear though because, like i said, he's from a petstore (i actually adopted him because he was repeatedly sick and vets said he would have died had he stayed in a store) and i read genetic malo is usually root overgrowth. there are so many sad stories about root overgrowth/genetic malo drastically limiting lifespan.

so it's possible to have some root overgrowth that doesn't continually get worse?

hope your girl continues to do well.
i'm trying not to obsess about this too much....but i'm finding that much more difficult that than expected.
It's so hard to put it from your mind when you think your pet is sick. Hopefully, it is not malocclusion and your baby will be ok. We'll keep our fingers crossed for you both!
yea its definitely just a blob. i guess my area of concern was the apparent roots of the top teeth. its hard to tell from other xrays if his are within normal length (not elongated). i'm going to try a different vet tomorrow though Buckie is gonna hate me I'm sure. its good to hear something positive though. heh thanks
the other vet i was going to take Buckie to today to get clearer xrays is closed today. i swear the suspense and not knowing is making me crazy.