picking up chinchillas

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I've read that that's best way but with my girls I just use two hands on either side of them and scoop them up, granted they don't squirm at or try to get away.
i scoop them up to keep them from gettin scared. I usuually will pet them on the head a little and scoop them. =D i use both hands to scoop from both sides.
I scoop up mine sometimes. To be honest though, they make more of a fuss when I pick them up that way than by picking them up by the tail. Go figure?
Most of my chins are used to being picked up by their tails. It's much easier and quicker for me to pick them out to take them out for playtime that way and to put them back, as well. A chinchilla that is used to being picked up by the tail isn't scared of it and it doesn't cause them any problems. All of my little baby chins are used to it and by the time that they go to new homes they are very calm when being held that way.
Most of my chins are used to being picked up by their tails. It's much easier and quicker for me to pick them out to take them out for playtime that way and to put them back, as well. A chinchilla that is used to being picked up by the tail isn't scared of it and it doesn't cause them any problems. All of my little baby chins are used to it and by the time that they go to new homes they are very calm when being held that way.

Yep. When I try to scoop they bounce and dart away. If I have the tail they freeze because they know it's game over. Once I have them I use one hand to support the body, and keep one hand on the tail. I don't let them dangle by the tail for too long.
At first it may, but it depends on how he was raised. You don't hold them by the tail for long, and you have to be very gentle. The chins have to know that what is going on is safe and that they won't be harmed. I have some chins that haven't been handled much by people and they are pretty frightened by being picked up at all.
I always show people getting chins from me how to hold the chins by the tail. When you have one running around, and not wanting to go back into the cage, well sometimes that tail comes in handy!
I always show people how to hold the chinchillas by the base of the tail when they purchase one. It makes the chinchillas feel to secure to be loose on your arm and holding firmly by the base of the tail
Well I just tried to pick him up by the tail. I grabbed the base of it then slid my other hand under to support, and he let out a louddddd squeak, does this just mean he wasn't used to it?? He doesn't seem hurt at all. He's chewing the **** out of his pumice stone... lol