pet stores should not be allowed to sell chins

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2009
I was just in the local petsmart with one of my buddies getting crickets. As he was getting his crickets I went over to the chinchilla/ferret section looking at prices compared to online and stuff and then i went to look at the chinchillas. They havee 2 chinchillas is a 2'x18"x18 glass cage on the bottom shelf one of the chinchillas looked malnurished and was missing an ear. When I asked to see it the chin seemed surpisingly out going but was then pushed away by the other chin in the cage. I talked with the employee and they said they got the chins in 2 week already paired and his ear was like that.

I then asked playing dumb why does this chinchilla look malnurished and she responded "he probably isnt eating because he has not settled in yet" i just nodded and said okay.

I then just left the store accidently leaving my friend behind.
I hope my parents dont get pissed at me when they notice I have 2 chins next week once I get churro his new cage
rockland county right on the boreder of jersey like 15 miles north of the city
wow you must have went to one crappy petsmart. they are very different where I live. You are right though. There are a lot of pet stores that should not be allowed to carry chins. If only I could rescue them all. (my mom would kill me)
yeah my parents we skeptical of me getting one a year ago next week actually at first i was going to adopt 2 from the local animal hospital but they said no so i got one from a local reeder now a year later churro is happier then ever and i feel that i can take on the responsibilty of 2. with out a problem and since i am getting a new cage this weekend i have the perfect sized cage for him too
Terrible Pet Store Story ( for me anyway):
A while back, I had a pink white baby, she had a very distinct look, huge ears, big eyes. Well, I sold her to *What I thought was a good home* I went to a local pet store about 4 months later to look at cages (they have nice, cheap used cages). Well, I look at their chins while i'm there. They usually have 4 or 5 all in one cage. I look in the dustbath and see a pathetic looking chin, a little pink white girl with NO fur. She had chewed it all off, she was yellow as can be from urine. She was also malurished. Well, I called the local shelter, and after they did NOTHING, I went back and bought her because I had a feeling deep down inside that she was the one that I bred, and I felt like it was my responsibility. Well, I called the person I had sold to and they said that they sold her to the petstore because they were running low on funds. I was SO upset.

However, she is still with me know and is doing much much better. Her name is Kilala and i've got her in what I call my "reject cage" with Athena, Desdemona, and any recently weened babied (because they are so friendly)

Anyway, all of the pet stores around here, with the exception
of Pet Cove in Kingsport should be shut down, for ALL animals, especially chins and ferrets and snakes.

Here are some pictures of her when I got her, they don't show it very well, but it was terrible:


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im soo sorry to hear that Erin but good thing she is back in your care now and i am getting a fiesty ferret cage from someone on this forum who is selling it and i can set it up as two seperate or one big one for churro and use the cage i ahve now for the new chin
Please update us with pictures of the new chins once you've managed to bring them home. My first chin is also a petstore chin, but he's also the best :)
Wow that's terrible, to think people who have petstores would want to make the pets look good so they can sell them ,well i guess that is not the case.

Im glad you found your girl Erin, who knows what could have happened to her....
I understand how distressing it is for some of us to see pets not in great care or what we consider great care at a petstore, BUT if it weren't for pet stores my son would never have had his first pet--Little Rascal a guinea pig. I would not have had my very first pet--a hamster, neither would my sister Lisa who got a hamster at the same time--and Lynelle who's first pet was a hermit crab. Sure we had a dog, but these were ARE pets, not a family pet. I loved my hamster, Stewart really loved Little Rascal, in fact after Little Rascal died he got another guinea pig and named him Twoey for Little Rascal II, and after Twoey died a few years later we got Artie. If it wasn't for a pet store I would never have had a pet I loved and cared for--my hamster led to a rabbit and a guinea pig, which then led to cats and dogs and eventually chinchillas! If I hadn't had my first pet I would never have realized how special they are, how much love they give despite it all--pets are the only thing that loves unconditionally. If it wasn't for that pet store hamster I wouldn't have ever gone looking for chins--my first chin, Bobo was a petstore chin, because of her I went on to get 9 more chinchillas, none of them from a petstore, however without that hamster that eventually led to a petstore chinchilla I would NEVER had found CnQ and then CnH--and that would be the biggest crime of all, as I have met the most amazing people here on the forum.

So let's not be so harsh to judge and criticize petstores as they might not all be that bad.

And if not for petstores most children would never know the love of a first time pet.
My only wish is that petstores would keep animals to be sold in proper enviroments. To see a chin in a small enclosure, with plastic toys, and exposed to kids and idiots who will tap on the glass and terrorize them, is always distressing. Then these animals are sold to anyone who will open up their wallet...whether they know anything at all about the animal or not. My local Petsmart adopts out cats. Paperwork has to be filled out and you have to be approved before taking home this pet. Why not the same for all other pets? Why not guarantee this animal will also go home to a good forever home? I don't think pets sold at these stores are necessarily bad, I just think the way they are sold needs to be changed.
I was actually in a Petsmart today and was pleasantly surprised to see that they had no chins and didn't appear to stock them at all as there was no empty cage labeled for them either.
i have to admit, i bought Angel in a local petco. The staff there were actually pretty knowledgable on the care of chins. Thankfully, another small local pet store has one staff member in particular that has three chins and cares for them properly. I know that i can trust her to give me the lowdown on things before i buy, regardless of whether she thinks the pet store brand is what she thinks is best. She actually was the first to mention Mazuri feed to me! She also recommended the Critter Nation cage that Angel LOVES so much. Unfortunately, these pet stores do house the animals in less than premium condition, but for people like me who live in rural areas with no access decent breeders, its better to rescue a sweet girl like Angel from a crappy life behind glass than to just look at her and walk away!
I never buy anything from any petstore that sells puppies. They are all from puppy mills and it just makes me so angry to see it. This last chin I got is from a petstore, I could not leave him in his little plastic closed in cage they said they had him for 4 months, I didn't want to leave him another for. Once when I was in Maryland I stoped at a pet store and saw they had a chin in a fish tank with a wire top that you use for turtles. :( There are very few pet stores I go to, usually since I am in the dog world I order everything from private vendors online. I am happy to now find some like that in chins ^_^