Peeing on ledge

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2011
New Jersey
So my one new chin Jade keeps taking some of her hay and putting it on the ledge and then constantly peeing there. It makes the ledge really disgusting and the cage smell awful! I just cleaned her cage yesterday and she already grabbed some hay and peed on the ledge again! Is there anything you would recommend I try doing? Should I get her a litter box??
a litter box may be a good idea. some chins are just shelf pee-ers, no matter what you do.

putting a chiller (tile) cut to fit on the shelf will make for a much easier cleanup.
Ah the tile is a good idea! I have one in her cage but she never uses it. I just feel like since she only pees in that one spot then maybe I should try the litter box and then avoid cleaning it up all together?
You can also move the ledge to a tilt some, it doesn't stop the peeing but it will help it run off instead of sitting there. I had a chin who would pee on the ledge, then chew on it! YUCK!
Well, the shelf already has pee on it so I'm sure you'll want to clean it if it's smelling bad! I use hydrogen peroxide on my wooden ledges and just pour it on and wait a few minutes. (The pee bubbles a lot and it's really gross!) But then I have an old sponge I use for cleaning the shelves and scrub it away. It probably won't get rid of it completely, but I notice a world of difference when I clean mine. Then I rinse with water and let it dry out before putting them back in.
Kishi is a shelf peer, the only problem i have with it is that there is a lip on the metal, and it can't just run off, so i have to clean the shelves several times a day, and occaisionally she will "miss" and it goes outside of the cage onto my hardwood floors, so i have to keep a dropcloth there.
other than that, she's not laying in it, and it wipes up fairly easily.
the idea of putting hay in the litterbox is a good one, maybe take the hay she peed on and put it in the litterbox so she knows to go there(of course with the clean hay already in)