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Yea.... he's still totally freaking out about this, and now he's just attacking me about it. Apparently this ruined our marriage... and honestly if he thinks he wants a divorce over something as dumb as this, then there are a lot of worse underlying issues he needs to deal with anyway.

His mom said "he never talked about anything, always kept it in, so I don't know the extent of anger he has".

It is all painted, because I always keep the left over paints from a room. I did leave the thing I wrote above her closet door, which is her name with something for each letter.

It's not like random pen scribblings or wall carvings, and honestly is no different than the rubbings you can buy to put on your wall.

We have enough things here to paint every room in this house, to me repainting a room is easier and cheaper than going to the store and getting a bunch of stuff, be it the tile board, bulletin boards, etc. because I have to put those things up, and that tile board is a two person job to prevent it from breaking. I have it in my chin house, I write notes on it all the time. And we have a half gallon of both colors in her room....

So yea, I'll see if he settles down anymore today and realizes he's over reacting. Agree or disagree, we painted over it, to make him happy. She's not going to do it, to make him happy. But he can't get past that and now is to the point he's attacking me in other areas, his last message to me yesterday said something to the effect of I just think I'm really great but I'm not, I annoy him, and he's tired of me. "I thought things were going good then you had to go and pull this number". Which just goes to show he rarely actually listens to me, because if he did he'd know what I really thought of myself. I am my toughest critic. Anyway... yea, I think there is some underlying issues coming out, and I don't know if I should just let it go and let him get over it on his own, or ask him what the real deal is. I think if I do ask, he won't really have any answer anyway. I do agree that perhaps it made him live back to part of his childhood. He is very adamant about our kids not growing up like he did.

Oh, and to make it worse in my mind is Hailey is not his child. He is the only real dad she's ever known though. We got together when she was 2, she only sees her dad maybe a couple times a year. In fact he apparently moved to a town like 1 1/2hrs away from where he was living and hasn't told us... She has never, ever once pulled the "you're not my dad" card, she loves him just like a child would love their "real" father, and I say that carefully because "real" fathers aren't always good, there, or anything like that. I do not believe that her being his step daughter has anything to do with the whole blowing up thing.
Yikes, this is terrible. I'm sorry you guys are going through this. As an outsider, I say you let him work through this on his own. He's obviously trying to pick a fight by attacking you on unrelated issues. He probably knows he's blowing the wall thing out of proportion so is trying to make the fight about other things. If you let him throw his temper tantrum and don't feed into it, hopefully it blows over and he apologizes for his behavior when he cools down.

However, if I were actually in your shoes... I'm sure I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut. Its too hard trying to be the bigger person!
Well since he's not home, he's working 3 hrs away and stays there during his work "week" , it's not like I have to see him for a while, lol. :p
Man, Nicole, that sucks!!!

I've met Hailey, and I think that she is an adorable, capable young lady. I don't recall too many stories from you about her being "bad".

I think the chalkboard paint is a good compromise. Personally, I wouldn't object to a single wall in her room being hers to do with as she pleases, as long as the things were positive and upbeat.

Your husband obviously has some underlying emotions left over from his own childhood, and that is what is coloring his opinion.

When he gets home, you should try having an adult conversation with him, asking what is it about this idea that upsets him so. Was he punished for writing things on the wall when he was a child??? Was he not allowed to express his creativity in a way that he enjoyed???

It may turn out that this is just a knee jerk reaction to a very painful time in his life, and with a little talk and give and take, he might realize that he is over reacting and allow Hailey to enjoy this creative outlet. There is no reason for HER to have to have a negative experience just because HE did!!! :thumbsup:

Give both of the girls my love...
Well I can tell you I have always written on my walls and I dont think I am turning into any sort of criminal. I always write phrases..or lyrics of songs on my walls..but i got bored of them and painted over. I am not a parent nor nothing near but I wouldnt see a problem with letting her use a part of the wall just a place where she can write or paint things she loves.

My you have a future interior designer on your hands haha. Normally if you cant find something you wish to have or a picture you thought in your mind, or cant find something to suit a certain place..you do it yourself. I like how she asked you to do that. Its creative I guess. She can express herself that way. I am sure she will follow the rules..her mind is innocent anyway I am sure, haha.
Wow. Sorry he is being so mean to you. Often I just ignore that junk from the hubs and it drives him nuts so it spurs him to actually talk and have a real conversation.
Today I asked him a question about the truck, he did some rewiring on it a while back. And he even replied "welcome" to my k thx, lol But otherwise hasn't contacted me. Oh well, he'll decide it was dumb eventually, he always does, but this was wayyy out of the norm for his "fits".
He keeps saying it's destruction of property...

Basically his childhood was unsupervised, he was terrified of his brother, he was sneaking out by the age of 10... Got into trouble, hang out with the wrong crowds, never violence other than fighting with his brother, who he was fairly terrified of because he had major anger issues.

Do you're telling me... he needs to read the writing on the walls? LMAO I had to say it...

Studies have proven that art keeps kids off the street and away from drugs...

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