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Bilbo has been smelling bad lately, not enough to make your eyes water but it sure smells like he rolled in his poop.... I don't know if he rolled in it or not (theres no poop in his quills), but I just gave him a bath and cleaned out his cage last week. I change the carefresh maybe every 2 weeks. He usually doens't smell, his cage can get a little smelly but HE never did. Is something wrong with him?
I forgot to mention, he's 11 months if that helps. Thanks.
You should be cleaning the cage more often than every 2 weeks. Especially if he is starting to stink. Hedgehogs shouldnt stink. Try cleaning his cage a couple times a week.
Sounds like you need to up the cleaning cycle. A full clean should be performed at least weekly. For more messy hogs you may find yourself fully cleaning his cage 2-3 times a week. For my messy guy I have to change his cage liner daily.

You should also be spot cleaning the cage daily. Removing any wet spots or feces from the cage.
Hedgies at that age tend to be pooping machines so keeping on the cleaning is a must! Also, what kind of diet is he on? Cat kibbles with fish in them tend to lead to stinkier poops
Ok, I will defianatly up the cleaning, would liners be easier to change than hedgie fluff?
In my opinions liners are MUCH easier than the paper bedding.