New little guy joining me in July

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Winona, MN
As some of you know, my chin Boo lost his son a few weeks ago. He's been doing really well, but I know how much he loves the company of another despite the concerns of my husband we'll be getting another one.

Just to clear that up...the concerns would be that Boo has been moved around a lot and he feels like hes going to end up outliving all his buddies and end up alone again. Before Boo came to me he was bounced not only from home to home, but from cage to cage, having to bond with a chin and then get moved. Despite all of that, I've seen the love that Boo has for other Chins and I don't want him to be alone. So we've decided to get him another friend...his cage could certainly use one more chin!! HA!

Anyways, here is the new guy



The little girls that own him call him EAR MUFF!!!!!


He will be given a different name because I don't think I can go to the cage every day and say "Hi Ear Muff..."
What a mouth full!!
Well, is "ear muff "getting a new name soon? I'll tell ya kids come up with the craziest names!!hehe.. He's extremely handsome and beautiful. And Boo will be sooo happy! Name him Hoo or Hoot--dunno maybe that sounds a little to goofy too. I'm trying to help!!hehe
I know it, kids crack me up...I'm guessing he felt soft like one, so that's what they called him...haha. I'll have to meet him and see what his personality is like after I get him and go from there =)
Thanks Everyone =) I'm excited for him.

Since the other one's name is Boo, you could stick with a Halloween theme, black chin and all. Spook, Trick, Treat, Goblin, Midnight, etc.
He was actually renamed by me...his old name was something like Walt?? Or something...I don't remember, but it was ridiculous...I named him Boo because he was paired with my girl Peekers (who recently passed)...
Peekers (Peek) and Boo
Get it? HAHA :thumbsup:

I think that I'll pick out another "B" name for him. My girls all had "P" names:
Penny (Penelope), Peekers, Pheebe, and Preema
So I think I'll look for "B" names...
Though it is cute I don't want to go with a theme. He had a theme with Peekers, and she's gone now, so I'd like to not touch it again...

"B" names are appreciated =D
aww he's cute! I thought of Beau...he is very handsome! Good luck with him and Boo!