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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
South Florida
I haven't posted any pictures of Koda in awhile so I thought I would do that. Plus, now I have a new girl to introduce to everyone. Her name is Aika and I just recently adopted her from Essentia. She is so sweet. This past week she has been letting me hold her and I think she is adapting to her new home very well. Quarantine is over for her on Sunday and she is ready and excited to move into the FN. She gets very grumpy when you wake her up but other than that she is such a sweetheart. And Essentia told me she was one of the softest chins she's ever had and holy cow is she right! Lol. The first few pics are of Koda and the last bunch are of Aika.





Ya, that stink eye is cute. She's giving it to me because she was refusing to get out lol. She was just sitting in there with her head resting on the opening.
I always had a problem getting her out of the dust bath as well. :p I eventually gave up and dusted her in a pan instead. I am glad she has come around so well with you. I love the picture of you holding her that you sent me. You should have posted it! It is fantastic that she is allowing you to hold her. It shows what some love and attention can do. She wanted nothing to do with being held when she was first surrendered to me. She had never been held before because her owner was afraid of getting bitten. I worked with her on it and got her to the point that she wasn't so crazy spastic, but that picture with you and her shows how much further she has come.

I always thought her crankiness when she woke up was cute. I mean really, who isn't cranky when they get woken up? :D I am very happy that you adopted her and are willing to give me the little updates you have been. When I drove her to you my husband commented to me about how hard it was for me to give her up, and how long it took me to actually leave her with you. She was my baby when she was here. I had her for much longer than the other rescues so I got way more attached. It makes me teary to see her in her forever home all happy and loved.
Alright I suppose I will post the picture of me holding Aika. I'll give the same disclaimer haha. I just got back from the gym so please forgive my appearance. I am very very happy with Aika! She has such a personality that is so different from Koda's. She's got so much spunk I was surprised when she started letting me hold her and now it's becoming an everyday occurrence :bliss: Yay!!


It just absolutely boggles my mind that she is letting you hold her like that...

While she was never mean to me, she was never incredibly lovey either. She especially didn't want me holding her. She is making huge strides with you.