Myrna went over the rainbrow bridge

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2009
She was found this morning. :( Thanks for all the suggestions and positive thoughts. I'm very sad over this and I don't blame them but I guess anger is a natural response anytime something like this happens.
Sorry for your loss! Was she found in the house, or elsewhere?
Oh no, so sorry to hear this. I was following your other thread and was hoping for a different outcome.

Just last week my babies escaped from their cage. It was my fault as I left the cage door open by accident. I was extremely lucky that I was able to find them unharmed.....and I was really hoping you would too.

RIP Myrna
I am sooooooooo sorry. I ws really hoping for the best on this one. Give your daughter a hug from me and my chinnies (and one for yourself, too).
I am very sorry for your loss. I was so hoping she would come out to her cage eventually.
Thanks everybody for your kind words. I honestly thought she would come back to her cage, too. I don't know what happened to her. Her dad found her behind the sofa early this morning.
Myrna was in my thoughts this morning - I cry with you .... Sincerely, Grace