My super cute GiGi

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
Not new pictures, but new to this forum! I was going through photobucket tonight and found these cute pics of my darlie baby GiGi:



She is such a sweet joy! Sometimes she's a bit sassy like her momma, but I just can't resist her sweet little beggar face! It's a good thing I know too many treats are a bad, bad thing--otherwise I would have to give her one every time she looked at me!
That IS a face it would be hard to say no to LOL! She's adorable.
What a cutie, but I think they are all. They all look different even if the same color, but they all have their little differences that make them special and adorable.

What a sweety! And I agree, it's so hard to say no to treats when they look at you with that precious little face! They know how to pull on our heartstrings!
Sooo cute. I would probably spoil her rotten with a face like that.

How about pictures of the rest of the gang too? More Bronwyn please.