My chins pee, but it goes out of the cage! Any suggestions?

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Apr 12, 2012
As cute as my little ones are, when they pee, it goes all over the blanket that covers the top level of their 4-level cage! Does anyone know of an easier option that will save me time and laundry? All ideas are appreciated!
I purchased a Martin's Cage, so they have wire mesh flooring which I cover parts of with hideouts/homemade pillows/wood cuts/etc. They like to pee from the top floor and i used to get all over the wall until I moved it to the middle of the room. The tray underneath the mesh has kiln dried pine bedding. I would like something to cover 1-2 walls with, perhaps?
i have a similar cage, and kishi has the same problem, ony she does it on the bottom corner of her cage, i bought a roll of painter's dropcloth, it's plastic, and you can cut off what you need, i just rinse it off when she pees and alternate it with another peice while it dries,it's done fairly well with keeping chin pee off of my hardwood floors.,if you're worried about them chewing on the plastic, to can cusion it with grass mats or fleece, i use grass mats or cardboard in kishi's cage,since she chews on anything she can get her little teeth on.
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Cover the wire shelves with something solid. I used to have the same problem. It disappeared when I took out the wire shelves and put in wooden ones.
You can cover the back of the cage with a big peice of fleece, then wash it every week with there pillows, ect
Cool, thanks for the great ideas everyone! Definitely going to try and cover the floor, i was wondering if that helped... if not, painter's dropcloth it is!
I went to Home Depot and purchased tiles to floor the top level with and it seems to have solved the problem! I have painters dropcloth in case it happens again though!