My Chin Angels Sharing Christmas With Us (beautiful memory wood box)

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non-stop poop sweeper
Jan 29, 2009
Chicago suburb
My chinnie angels, CJ and Whiskers will be a part of our Christmas family this year. I ordered an angel chin for my Whiskers from Allison (alli713) almost 2 years ago so when my CJ passed away, I asked her if she could make one for him and something I could put his ashes in. She came up with this perfect memory wood box that she painted and placed the CJ angel chin on the top. I love it! Thank you soooo much Allison! My little girl and I choked back tears when we saw it and took some time to find pics of CJ that we loved so much to put in the slots.




CJ's angel chin also has the little tear that he had on his one ear <3


That is beautiful, Sandi! Your boys will never be far. :hearts:

Great job Allison...that is a beautiful memorial to little CJ!
This is really sad for me now that I am going through the exact same thing. This has given me some ideas though...My mind is just completely blank in this moment. I love what you've done there Snadi. Nice work Alli....xxxxxxx
This is really sad for me now that I am going through the exact same thing. This has given me some ideas though...My mind is just completely blank in this moment. I love what you've done there Snadi. Nice work Alli....xxxxxxx

Aww Mae :( I'm sorry sweetie. I had my CJ and Whiskers cremated because I cannot bury them in our subdivision. As hard as it is now, Macy will be in your heart forever. Hugs to you Mae!
Beautiful job Allison.

Sandi- CJ will always be loved and remembered by your family and your C&H friends :hug3:
Beautiful box and a very sweet way to memorialize your angel babies. I like the little clay chins with their name on it. Do you know if they make them in other chin colors? Oh, and cool ornaments. Where did you get those?
what a beautiful tribute to your fur babies! i love photo cubes, they are such a great way to display multiple pix.
Beautiful box and a very sweet way to memorialize your angel babies. I like the little clay chins with their name on it. Do you know if they make them in other chin colors? Oh, and cool ornaments. Where did you get those?

Sorry I missed this, the little chin on top of the box was made by Allison of, and I believe that she does make them in other colors. The ornaments were from the CnH store at, just click on the top left or right buttons at the top by the chins n hedgies banner. Oh, and thank you.