MCBA 2011 National Show

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I'm home!

MCBA doesn't do a two day show for two reasons. One, we don't usually have that many pelts. Two, a two day show is more expensive for people, and we do our best to keep costs down. Two day shows mean more hotel nights, more eating out, more time off work, etc.

We are usually done by 6:30 or 7:00. We were longer this year because we had so many pelts and because our judges were slower. They did a good job and were VERY tough, but took more time.

You can put the date for next year on your calendar- March 24, 2012. Jim Ritterspach and and Dave Woods will be the judges.

Pelts: Lapoloma took all the top prizes!

Champion White female: West
Reserve Champion White female: Jags
Champion white male: West
Reserve champion white male: Che Chinchillas

Champion sapphire female and reserve: Ryerson

Champion violet female: Ryerson
Reserve champion violet female: Jags

Champion beige female: Lemler
Reserve champion beige female: Lemler
Champion beige male: Hummel
Reserve champion beige male: Walter

Champion standard female: Firebaugh
Reserve champion standard female: Ryerson
CHampion standard male: Firebaugh
Reserve champion standard male: Hummel

Champion black female: Hummel
Reserve champion black female: Che Chinchillas
Champion black male: Ryerson
Reserve champion black male: Yarboro

CHampion ebony female: Che CHinchillas
Reserve champion ebony female: Friedman
Champion ebony male: Hummel
Reserve champion ebony male: Hummel

Champion female of show: Hummel black
Reserve champion female of show: Firebaugh standard

Champion male of show: Firebaugh standard
Reserve champion male of show: Hummel standard

Grand show: Hummel black female
Reserve grand show: Firebaugh standard female

White breeder award: West
Beige breeder award: Lemler
Violet breeder award: Jags
Black breeder award: Hummel
Ebony breeder award: Poetrue Pets
Standard breeder award: Firebaugh

Junior Breeder award: Josh Jagielo

Master breeder:
1st- Hummel 5.86 average
2nd- Ryerson- 5.73 average
3rd-Baar-4.27 average
I had a great time. It was so nice meeting so many of you in person! Congrats to everyone, there were some beautiful chins there!
whew!!! that was great! I am so pleased with my girl's performance! Not bad for one chin in the show! Probably should have charged Ash more for her hahaha :D

So glad to put faces with names! and yes truly that black was amazing. I tried talking Ron out of her as soon as I saw her and no dice :( She was definately my pick for grand show from the start!

AND I came home and found A6 and A7 - one standard female and one white female out of my huge white Neive!! :D
whew!!! that was great! I am so pleased with my girl's performance! Not bad for one chin in the show! Probably should have charged Ash more for her hahaha :D

So glad to put faces with names! and yes truly that black was amazing. I tried talking Ron out of her as soon as I saw her and no dice :( She was definately my pick for grand show from the start!

AND I came home and found A6 and A7 - one standard female and one white female out of my huge white Neive!! :D

:neener: congrats again, christy! I can't wait to get her here in two weeks.
Some of the most gorgeous chins I have ever seen! I enjoyed meeting people! Congrats to all the winners!
:bump1:I just got a chinchilla and I am going to go watch a show and then someday put her in a show. Any tips on how to get a chinchillas fur dense and strong?
We finally got home late last night and I'm dragging today after very little sleep this weekend, but we had a great time. I was so bummed though... I forgot my fleece tunnels I bought. It was the one thing my fiance asked me to pick up for him and I left them in the show hall.

There were some great animals and my arm/shoulder hurts still from picking up all those heavy weights at the show.
Megan (and Cheryl and all) - awesome job handling as always.

And thanks to the 4 or 5 of you that kept catching my black female every time she escaped her show cage. =p

Laurie! It was great to meet you... for all of 5 minutes!

I'm very happy with how the show went, it was a great turn out and always a great time to hang out with the chin folk. =)
I'm trying to recover from the long weekend, it's not so easy lol. I had a great time and enjoyed seeing everyone as usual. I have a ton of photos that I hope to get up soon. I'm just too tired right now and I have to get ready for a long day of work, so they'll be up a little later. For now, here's the GSC.

Oh she's not mine, that's Hummel's grand show. I wish she could have came home with me though. My little Memphis (black velvet male) did very well considering how small he was, but he can't compete with Hummel's monsters lol.
I'm very happy with how the show went, it was a great turn out and always a great time to hang out with the chin folk. =)

You did a great job announcing. You and those poor judges must have been sore after being on your feet all day!