Matt in fur???

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2009
New Jersey
Misty I have recently discovered has a matt in her fur. It is not too big, and I noticed it while I was brushing her. It seems like Cookie hasn't groomed it out of her either, so what should I do to get rid of it? I have given her dustbathes it just doens't want to come out.
it is like medium sized, i tried and it didn't come out and then she sqeaked and then her cagemate started sqeuaking at me so i put her back, and now I don't know what to do. It also is pretty stuck in there, like not coming out stuck......
Had this happen. Grabbed a hold of the mat while he was sitting on his shelf and waited for him to decide it was time to jump down. Problem solved.
Glad to hear. It seems a little nerve racking at first as you would not do this with any other animals but it works well on chins and most times does not even bother them.
Glad to hear. It seems a little nerve racking at first as you would not do this with any other animals but it works well on chins and most times does not even bother them.

Yeah i was really nervous for this is my first time she got a matt
My mama chin has a pretty good size matt hair near her bum. I've pulled one out before that was a lot smaller, but I don't know what could have caused this one now :/