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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
this is a very embarrassing question. i am blushing as i type!
but is it normal for a non neutered male chin to "mate" with his fleece on a daily basis and "finish". i really dont know how to word this any other way,
but every night i fix up his cage and the fleece and every morning it is bunched up with the sticky stuff.
he is over 3 and i just started using the fleece a few months ago so i am not sure what he was doing previous. since i have been using the fleece he also got a hair ring that the vet found.
when he moves to his new cage in the next week or two i am thinking about not using fleece? advice???
Oh yeah - totally normal. Weird, but normal.

Be grateful he's using the fleece. He could be using your foot or hand. :)

(Wasn't that just disgusting to think about?)

You might want to consider getting him a stuffed friend to, um, hang around with. Maybe keep a couple on hand. Then he can buy his friend a drink, romance him a bit, and you can wash him in the morning. :hilarious:
OMG..........I literally almost spit out my lunch while laughing!

Thanks. I think a couple buddies is a great idea, cause i have to change the fleece every other day between the stuff and poop & hay!
haha one of the reasons I'm glad I have all girls :D

But getting him some buddies so you can swap them out is a good idea :))
Who knew chins was such horny lil creatures..lmao!
Yup - very normal - No different than a dog humping a person's leg. After all they are animals. And don't be surprised when you see him 'cleaning' himself' It is VERY normal and there are 2 reasons for it He is cleaning himself (less chance for hair rings) and the other reason is obvious - after all he is a male
Oh good gravy! Last night I was dog sitting Fritz next door. My daughter and I took him out for a late night walk and we came in the house and his dog bed was not in its place. So I move the dog bed and he jumps on it.........I proceed to pull the shades and Fritz is "having at" the dog bed folded over. daughter is 9 and we have not "gone there." So I look down at the dog and he stops and looks me in the eye. More like the stink eye. I told him that was kind of naughty and stop it. My daughter said, "yeah you need to stop beating up your bed." ( Dern it there is no little face to put to this post lol ) Soooooooooo getting back to chin fleece romance. Yep! Boys will be boys. I have a romance bunny #1 and little stuffed dog #2. They have been in there for a long time. However little stuffed dog had a severe body dismemberment this week. I think he stopped "putting out". :rofl: So bunny needs to be washed to prep for a date with handsome chin Little Dude. Gawd how funny.
I just asked: my Taller Half is not, in fact, jealous of that particular... skill? I think I'm a little more impressed by the whole thing, proportionately speaking, than he is. And the chins have no qualms, of course... especially when we have guests. (Has an exhibitionist chinchilla.)
Hi, I am new to this site and to forums in general. I am glad you brought up this topic.

Last September I took in a chin from a woman moving who couldn't keep him. I took him to the vet the first week and he got a clean bill of health. He is my first chin and his name is Brutus. Lately I've noticed the area above his testicles seem "full" or bigger, like two full sacs above the testicles but below his penis. We do regular hair ring checks (that was new to me when I asked the vet about it!) and I've never noticed any hair around it but it always seems more enlarged-like he's 'excited'. Maybe my guy needs to just let it all out as your chins do? I made him a stuffed fleece pillow but have been afraid to put it in the cage for fear he'd chew on it and get sick.

In addition to this, he likes to "mount my slippers or feet. He has a definite foot fettish. I think he would like to have a girlfriend but I would never think to breed!

Do you think these "sacs" above his testicles are normally full looking or should I take him to the vet?

Does anyone's male chins like to mount things even though the penis looks free of hair? I do pull the skin down as far as I can as the vet showed me so I think I am doing this right. When he mounts, it is not for very long. I did find some info on it when I researched mounting males.

Thanks for any advice you can give me! I'll put his pillow with him tonight and see what he does with it tomorrow :):thumbsup:
Michelle this just really makes me laugh--sorry. Leonard likes to get very friendly with his Elvis pillow, which kind of creeps me out as I also sleep with an Elvis pillow and I do not molest it. I have to say though I consider it very normal behavior in humans and chins alike.
Sharon - That's normal. Sometimes you will see the sacks and sometimes you won't. It just depends on their current mood.

He'll manage things out. Either on your slipper (never had the pleasure myself) or on his stuffed pillow when you give it to him (which will be fine, just watch for damage and remove it if you need to). All male chins do this in one form or another, so don't worry about him having a girlfriend. He'll get over it.
Only 1 of our boys seems to want to hump everything! He will try to grip on your arm at playtime or when you reach in to get his food bowl! Recently I have been giving him a stuffed pac-man which he loves! I dont leave it in the cage for fear that he will chew it. But- the last time I tried to take him out- he kacked at me and then started grinding his teeth! :laughitup: I let them be alone for a few more mins and then pac-man had to come out!! He is a very demanding chin!!!