Man Hater Chinchilla?

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2009
Hi all,
I had a question about spraying. :wacko:
My chin Lola is a very sweet chinchilla. However she feels like she needs to show dominance over my fiance Chris. He has never grabbed at her or frightened her in any way. As soon as he comes over she repeatedly poops on him. Literally scooting and squeezing out poop on him. Lately she has also been spraying him. Is there anyway to slow this behavior in any way. She also did this to one other male that visited the house. Is my chinchilla a man hater?
I'm not sure if this is equivalent, but hkkjstwcl has a chin named Teo, who is very aggressive and tends to sink his teeth into people and other chins when nervous. He tends to be aggressive towards me (I am male), but frequently acts like a cuddle-chin towards his owner (who is female). I've seen him curl up in the crook of her arm for five or ten minutes at a time!!

I have never been anything but gentle and friendly towards all her chins, and I don't have this problem with any of the other 15-odd members of her chin family, so I'm pretty sure its not something that I did.

Not sure what you can do about it. I continue to treat Teo gently, but try to minimize contact with him, since I assume that's what he wants.
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I have a black velvet named Dwyer who dislikes my husband.He even bit him on the nose!
I'm not sure why,Rich hasn't done anything to him.
When Rich walks into the room Dwyer will bark and dance around snapping at the bars.
He's so sweet to me though,he gives me kisses on my nose and runs to great me in his cage.I'm hoping with time Dwyer will come out of it and trust Rich.
He will let him pet him every once and a while.If he's not snapping at Rich then he'll try to pet him.but Rich learned the hard way to resect Dwyers space.
The scooting thing is usually scent marking, she may be trying to claim him as her territory. Pooping is involuntary, if she has to go, she has to go, lol.
Now spraying is a whole other concept, and that one is usually a defensive move. Maybe he moves too quickly and startles her? It could be something totally off the wall like his cologne, too, she might not like the way he smells.
Experiment with it and see what you can figure out.
Some chinchillas just have one person they don't like. My girl Smokie LOATHES my boyfriend and will go out of her way to spray him. She'll come up, get a treat from him, then spray him. It's pretty funny, and he doesn't let it phase him in the least bit. He still tries to gain her affection. I don't think he realizes that it's been nearly a year and she's still not buying it..
Some chinchillas just have one person they don't like. My girl Smokie LOATHES my boyfriend and will go out of her way to spray him. She'll come up, get a treat from him, then spray him.

:laughitup: Sounds just like my Lily. Paul's "allowed" to give her scritches for a few seconds then WHAM! He gets sprayed, bit, kacked at, you name it.
Since I only have boys, I wonder if your girls could be jealous of the men in your life???

I know that sometimes Mr. Whiskers gets annoyed if I am talking/giving scritches to The Snuggler, and he will chitter a little bit and mount The Snuggler as if to say, "Hey, she's MY girl, Dude". I think that it's kind of cute and then love them both to death, but I don't really know what to make of it!!!
Pip hates my son and he bites babies too. I think it's a dominance or jealousy thing going on with him but who knows. My son has had his ankles nipped so many times and he even nipped his eyebrow when he scooted by and made my son cry. I have a chin room now and my son won't come in b/c he's scared of Pip.