Males Naturally Messier Than Females?

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2010
Glen Burnie, Maryland
My female keeps her cage neat and tidy. Always uses her litter box, keeps the food in the bowl, and her cage is practically spotless.

Now my male, on the other hand. Throws his food out of the bowl the second it hits the cage, throws the bedding out of his litter box, and makes a huge mess with hay.

I can clean my females cage once a week, sometimes even 2 or more weeks, with the exception of changing her litter box. I have to clean my males cage ATLEAST 3+ times a week because he is just so messy!

Not too big of a deal, just wondering if anyone else has noticed a difference of the sexes?
At my house its just the difference in the chins. I have neat boys and messy boys and neat girls and messy girls.
My female remind me of a mini Martha Stewart, she'll push her food bowl and litter box around until her cage is decorated the way she wants.

My male reminds me of the Tasmanian Devil. Hes such a little terror!
At my house it's the opposite. Every female that has come through has been messy, yet for the most part (except my white pair) the males have been cleaner.
My little girl is a messy little lady. She will pee where she wants (this is why her cage is all bedding), her hay is all over the place and she throws her food too. She is just a big ol mess.
I have the messiest girl on the planet. She will pull every piece of hay out of her tray before she starts to eat anything.
Bobo and GiGi are HORRID diggers! In fact I can't keep shavings in their cage at all as ll they do is dig them out. They do not dig the shavings out of their litter pan though--how odd but thank goodness! They also dig out pellets lol! Wesley is also very messy when it comes to his litter pan--I swear he dives into it like a swimming pool! So I can't really say it's males that are messy as I have both males and females and have seen messy in both.
My males are clean about the litterbox, and I've never had females so I wouldn't know. I imagine it's an individual thing though. I think most chins go crazy with hay, however. Hay mess is just a fact of chin ownership! :)
In my house, its the exact opposite. My 2 males are the clean freaks and the females are the messy Marvins! I very rarely have to clean the floor around the males cages but I have to clean once or twice a day around the females cages.
My female remind me of a mini Martha Stewart, she'll push her food bowl and litter box around until her cage is decorated the way she wants.

My male reminds me of the Tasmanian Devil. Hes such a little terror!

Well said... lololololo

Comparing to you guys' character chins, all my chins are normal... They have parsonality differences, such as calm and outgoing, but when messiness is concerned, they are just normal chins... I can't really imanige neater or messier than my normal chins. :)
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My 2 boys are fairly neat, but my females- ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!- they throw everything everywhere, maybe its just one that makes all the mess, but I doubt it. They will all gather around the hay box and fight over the same piece of hay throwing stuff all over the place in the process. Then at other times they can be neat and all get along perfectly. They're like siblings. I always have to change the girls more than the boys.
The first chin I lived with was fairly neat about things inside the cage, but would NOT use a litter box. Crash tosses hay everywhere, chucks pellets on the floor, tries to dig up the edges of his liners, but is consistent with the litter box. They're both males.
I have a really messy male. He kicks all of his bedding out (not because he is hot). He just doesn't like it in his cage. And then he gets himself so dirty. He is white but he always looks almost yellow from just being dirty. If I try hard I can keep him clean and he is beautiful! :)) His mom is really messy to though so it must be a genetic thing!!!!!