Maizen... One lucky kitten

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Dot lives forever!
Jan 29, 2009
First of all, those who have known me awhile know I do NOT like cats..Almost as much as Peggy does not like cats... There are only a few cats I do like(ex: Misty whom Mish fostered/raised---although she HATES me and won't come near me!)

Well, this little guy has managed to crawl his way into my heart. He is friendly, playful, loving, and oh so bad. He wants nothing more then to flop in my lap and cuddle 95% of the time.

Hubby was driving home from work late at night, and almost hit him. He stopped, chased the little bugger down the road and finally tossed his jacket over him. Meanwhile there were coyotes in the corn fields howling up a storm... Most likely this little guy was going to be someones dinner.

I was handed a cold, disgustingly dirty kitten. We cleaned his ears out as best we could, and put him in a carrier until morning.. I gave him a bath in the morning-- the dirt and filth that came off him was unbelievable. Cleaned his ears some more... and blow dryed him. He does have worms, and was given an OTC treatment... He goes for a check up at our vet on Nov. 29th.

Anyway... Here is Maizen. The name was suggested to us as we found him near a corn (Maize) field. We just added the n to make it unique.

For now he is living in a cat carrier, but I am letting him out in a close off room to stretch his legs a bit and move around :)

I don't like cats either but that is one super sweet faced kitten. Glad your hubby got to him before the coyotes did.
I also love, love, love orange kittens/kitties, and he is super adorable! He must have been waiting for you guys to find him!
He is so sweet! My (8-year-old) cat was a feral kitten. I always remind her when she gets sassy that she was once coyote bait!

I hope all goes well at the vet.
It was fate waiting to happen, and love the name! He is a handsome kitty, and even more beautiful in the inside for winning your heart! That makes for one special kitty! Who could not like cats, they are conniving little creatures, this I know, as we have 2 of them! lol
Awww..So sweet! Love the name! He looks like my old kitty, Martin :p Martin was found wandering by the road. He had a really bad eye infection and ear mites, but he was one of the best cats I've ever had!

Very lucky kitty, indeed!
sometimes certain animals form a special bond with people :) its very nice that Maizen has a nice warm home now ! congrats on your new addition to the family !
what a cute kitty! Look at those splayed toes in kneading action in that pic!
I don't understand why people don't like cats. My cats are indoor only except for a cat door to an enclosed pen outside. They have all been affectionate, loving, smart, playful...just like your new kitten. If you keep him, he will go through a naughty phase in older kittenhood but they usually settle down past a year. I said "usually" congrats on your cutie.