Let's see if anyone agrees.

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
Had a horrible day and just need to see if I'm a fault somewhere.

A few months ago I had a job interview at one of the Banfields here in Phoenix. They liked me, but, unfortunately found someone who could start right away and who didn't have prior commitments. Well a couple of weeks ago I got a call from a vet office in Mesa, which is an hour or so south of me, and they told me that the office manager from Banfield had called her and she wanted to set up an interview time. I said great, so the following Friday I went down there to interview. They liked me and were in desperate need of a tech and they said they would call me. Well Yesterday I got a call back saying I got the job. I desperately need money to help pay for tuition and they said starting rate is $9.50. I talked them into adding a gas allowance since I'm driving so far so now it's $13.50.

I was so excited and I texted a girl from my class who knew I needed the money. She was happy for me but apparently told someone else who isn't so fond of me anymore. I go online and the other girl had posted a facebook status just bashing me right and left
Why must people lie sooo much about things, just cause you got a job, great i am happy for you , but no need to rub it in peoples faces we will all get a job when we are more comfortable and know more about our profession!, just sayin!
O and no need to lie about how much you will make either, some of arent soo nieve!

So I texted her and just asked her if she has an issue with me. I have no need to lie about anything and she told me that she doesn't see how I got a job but she didn't so she is mad.

Uhm. Probably because I have had prior schooling, I have more skills, I have experience in a clinic, and I have a good attitude.

She has had plenty of opportunities to get a job and has even gotten jobs but quit them before she even starts because her unemployment gives her more money than a job would. What!?

Uhg. Did I do something wrong or is this person just a jealous mess?

I don't think I rubbed it in anyone’s face. I just told one person and apparently it spread like a wildfire and now I'm a liar. I don't get it. She was talking about it in class today and my instructor was even my reference and gave me high praise, so obviously she was rolling her eyes at this girl.

I thought college would be over the high school drama crap. Apparently not.
High school never ends. You will run into this crap for the rest of your life.

You were excited, you told one friend, there's nothing wrong with that and it certainly wasn't bragging or you would have told the whole world. Your friend shouldn't have blabbed about it, but that's neither here nor there. The one running her mouth A) probably can't get a job because she's illiterate, and B) is jealous because you have a job you love.

Pfffft - Ignore her.
High school never ends. You will run into this crap for the rest of your life.

So true. Just brush it off and try not to worry about it. College is a great time for weeding "associates" out of your "friends" group. Some people choose to grow up, many don't. Make your own choice to grow up and leave her to stew in her immaturity.
Sad that people are natually jelous and spiteful...it is sad..highschool sucked enough you would think adults would be better, Sometimes they are worse
I agree, doesn't sound like you did anything wrong. But this is why I normally don't share how much I make at a job.
I agree with all - with some people the third-grade-school-yard B***** never ends. I work with a bunch of supposedly educated adults, but sometimes I swear I've been slam dunked right smack dab into the middle of beautiful downtown kiddie land! Rise above it, don't let anyone drag you down or make you doubt yourself - just kick the whole thing in the butt and go on!!:thumbsup:
She must be a very unhappy person to react this way.
I don't know you and I am very excited for you. Sooo, the hec with her and enjoy your new job. :thumbsup:
Hi Brittney! I'm excited for you! Hamlet (our Pom) belongs to Banfields Optimum Wellness and think that's a job worth celebrating.

I think the other girl is nasty and will be fortunate if she maintains any friends over time publicly posting such crap about other people. Can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. It's a burden we all must bear throughout life, but some individuals just crave any kind of attention. Enjoy that you're on the higher ground.
You make more because you are better than her. :D

I always hated dealing with the jealous girls. There were always a few around that would say mean things to be...except when I got to college - I was usually the only female in the room. :) That was actually awesome because I didn't have to wear make up or dress nicely - men do not notice those things, well, engineers don't notice those things.

Don't worry, seriously. :) Time will make her go away.
Sounds like the typical Sour Grapes attitude to me. Ignore her, and if/when you do have to interact with her, try to act like Kyra Sedgewick's character from "The Closer". Difficult people hate it when someone they already dislike uses great manners and acts really sweet; when you're obviously the one who *isn't* acting like a spoiled child, everyone else around you will see her B.S. for what it is and disregard her completely.
I'm just trying to guess why this should bother you? I really don't give a cr*p what other people think of me or what I do. I'm grounded and live a pretty darned good life by the grace of God.

I'll give you some advice from years of experience..........go shopping for some armor. You'll carry it with you often and wear it more then you think. Good luck with your new job. And be happy.
Be subtle - suggest she finds a good spell checker & then re-types her CV. ;)
If the spelling on her CV and applications is as good (*cough*) as on her FaceBook updates then she's bound to get a job soon ............ Not! :p

As others have said - congrats on your new job. She is jealous & feeling "left behind". I would simply ignore her sour jibes & move on. Dont let it affect you or spoil your new adventure.
First, congrats on your new job!

I agree with everyone for the most part, however, if you don't want the high school drama to continue, you shouldn't have text her in the first place. If you aren't fond of her, it shouldn't matter. Do what's best for you and move on.

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