Keeping the room cool

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I'm not sure if this got mentioned: but, use tin cans with lids-freeze water in them--and
rotate. Also, i don't know if you mentioned if you had a basement. I had to put my
boys down there for 5 days when we had a power out in the middle of summer and
it worked--as well as i used several of those portable, battery operated pet fans can
get at petsmart. You're doing great! You'll get it all figured out!!

I thought fans didnt work for them
i just put up thermal black out curtains where my chins are. it really makes a huge difference especially as it gets up in the 90's. Before you could like feel the heat pouring in. Helps not have to run the A/C as much too.
I'm not sure if this got mentioned: but, use tin cans with lids-freeze water in them--and
rotate. Also, i don't know if you mentioned if you had a basement. I had to put my
boys down there for 5 days when we had a power out in the middle of summer and
it worked--as well as i used several of those portable, battery operated pet fans can
get at petsmart. You're doing great! You'll get it all figured out!!

Chins don't sweat so putting a fan on them isn't going to cool them down one bit.
I've put ice in front of a fan. I also set up the fan in a shaded window with cooler air. It doesn't get that hot here, and for only a short amount of time so I don't have an a/c unit. I usually get quite a bit of airflow as well if I open up a couple of windows around my chin's cage. At least the cooling techniques mentioned already will help buy you time as you look for an a/c unit.
I know when I run a ceiling fan or rotating fan for the purpose of getting the air to circulate the temp drops a couple degrees. Even more so with the a/c running also. But I agree facing just a fan at the chins cage directly won't do the animal much good.
We have an AC in the window in the chin room. We set it at 68 and put on the energy saver so it shuts off when it gets cool enough. Also- you can put your granite in the fridge ( I have never done it but I know people who do). You can go to Lowes or Home Depot and get granite tiles pretty cheap that are much cheaper than the one you can get at the pet store.
Just curious

Just wondering, what should the humidity level range be at? So far, mine's been that okay? I'm trying to find a small a/c unit, but until I do, it's central air conditioning in the day, and an open window with a big box fan in front of it to get the cool air in. It keeps the room at about 68-72 degrees. Is this okay for Mischki??

Both those readings should be fine for any chin - they'll love you for it!
Try to keep it there this weekend - they're predicting a heat index of around 105 degrees!!
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Keeping chin cool

Yesterday I had my first encounter with my chin getting overheated and it really scared me. My house is air conditioned but it was unusually warm and my little guy was playing and running in his play area and suddenly he kind of just layed and I could tell something was really wrong with him. Thank god I had his marble stones in fridge and I placed one under him and soon he recovered. It can happen really fast and its scary. I guess he was running and playing in his wheel and got overheated. We probably need to set our ac at 75 instead of 78.
" Both those readings should be fine for any chin - they'll love you for it!
Try to keep it there this weekend - they're predicting a heat index of around 105 degrees!! "

Okay, thanks Rickman! Yikes....I'm going to be out of town for the weekend, and my boyfriend is going to come over and check on her and make sure she's cool enough. I'm gonna try and talk my dad into leaving the air conditioning on, and maybe just letting it be in this room.

This room only has one vent, and a box fan. Is that enough air circulation if I shut the door???
If your Dad shuts it off, you'll be coming home to a dead chin!
It will actually cost less to leave it on, as the A/C will have to work so hard to get it back to temp, it's not worth it! It'd take 3 days, full blast, to get back! The whole house absorbs the humidity!
Leave it as it is, and you'll be fine!
97 degrees with humidty levels around 85% predicted for Sunday!!