It's HOT today!

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Pro Cage Cleaner Champion
May 18, 2009
Sahuarita, Arizona (a half hour south of Tucson)
I hope that any of the chin owners in Arizona are keeping cool today. It's really hot for mid-April. Normal temperatures are in the low 80s...and I suspect it may have gotten up over 100°F today in Tucson and Phoenix.

At my house it would normally be maybe 75 to 80ish today and it's well over 90.

The chins are happy in the air conditioning but I went outside to my shop to work and it was miserable, I don't have anything besides a simple fan out there...

Stay cool everyone! I hope that your air conditioners are working properly, next week it's supposed to go back to normal and drop down 15 or more degrees for the high temps.
Its been ridiculously hot in the Bay Area the last few days. I've already had to hook up my AC early for the chins. I just hope this isn't indicative of what the summer will be like.
Here in Virginia Beach also. We never really had a winter! I consider it a sin to turn on the AC before the end of May beginning of June and this year it has been on for about 6 weeks already. It's going to be a hot one I'm afraid!
It was 96 today at my house. The ac is on full force (I had it serviced on Monday) and the girls all have frozen bottles in their cages. I'm not ready for summer.

On a side note, I bought a bag of avocados today. 15 for $5. Score!
Very cool in the Northwest, here in North Idaho it hasn't been much different then highs 30-40 degrees. We've had maybe 4-5 nice days, today was nice at 55 and tomm calls for 70!!
it was 67 today here in nw Washington! I finally took off my layers today and even got a tiny sunburn since my skin does not remember what the sun is! Supposed to get to 73 tomorrow! As I am cherishing the sun, I do feel bad for those of you who see it and it's warm/hot temps all too often. I hope your summer doesn't get any worse. Just send it up to me. I'll take it...well, at least some of it!
Lucky you! It got up to about 92 today out at my house. That's very hot for here...not so much for Tucson or Phoenix, they get warmer than we do.

At least it is cooling down since the sun is down. It was like we went from April to July overnight. Tomorrow is supposed to be hot, too. I wish we'd have some days with highs in the 60s...that would be nice to have again.
It's unseasonably warm here as well! Over 70 today and low to mid 70s tomorrow and Monday. Yikes! That's very warm for us this early!

Stay cool!
In all the way in NH and yesterday was 80+ with humidity!!! AC has been pulled out for over a month now !!! My husband does paving I dont know how some people work outside in the hot temps!
It's been pretty warm here too! Friday it was warm enough (low to mid 70's on the coast) that I decided to move the chinny to the hallway. (The hallway stays at about 10-15 degrees colder than the rest of the house during the day) Luckily, yesterday we got a break from the heat and are now covered in fog.
Lucky peeps! It's been raining here for almost two days straight, it's finally starting to stop. And it's been getting down to 50f at night, enough to bring out the winter blankets again. I can deal with a little heat, but nothing like AZ must be!
It was 102 degrees in Ridgecrest yesterday. I'm almost not able to turn OFF the a/c, even at night! It is supposed to cool back down next week...I'm waiting!
WHOA! Really, Tabitha? That's insane. I thought I had it bad with it being 92 today. I had to run the A/C all day and most of last night. We're supposed to have a break in the weather soon where it will cool down a bit...I hope it cools down for you, too. 102 is too hot for April!!
I think it was yesterday or the day before but we broke the record at 101 degrees for that day! WAY TOO HOT hahahaha....Pheonix was apparently 105 that day. Not looking forward to this summer :(
It's been on and off hot here in Montreal too... But for the past week or so we've gone back down to 6-10 (42-50) degrees. The other night it dropped to -6 (21)! I hate this time of year because at -6 it really doesn't make sense to have my AC in, but then we get the odd 25-30 (77-86) degree days. This is my first spring/summer with chins, it's so complicated with Montreal's insane weather! Really not looking forward to those "feels like 38" degree weeks. It's also ridiculously humid here.
yep...102. We've already got our house switched over to the swamp cooler. I never look forward to summer...i will be spending quite a bit of time making sure the chins keep cool.
well, we're back to rain in the nw and temps around 50 degrees. I know some of you would really love that right now, but I so look forward to summer, and rarely even have to use my a/c as living in the nw and in close proximity to the water, it just does not get that hot here. But I am so tired of webbed toes and ghastly pale skin! Good luck to you who have the hot weather. Hopefully your summer doesn't get any worse!
I'm just happy we are back in the 70's. The girls and I have been sleeping with the windows open. They seem to enjoy it. It's supposed to rain tomorrow. I hope it does. Then back to the 90's by Saturday. Not looking forward to summer or my $400 electricity bill. Yes, you read that right, $400.