Is this suppose to be in the bedding?

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Lexington KY
Hi guys, I bought some shavings from walmart last night that was recommended. Can't think of the brand right off but its aspen ans pine shavings. I cleaned the boys cage last night and saw big chunks of bark looking pieces that also reminded me off cedar! Im wondering before really processed, does aspen or pine have the darker pieces like look like cedar. Never bought this brand and would hard to believe the company mistakingly let cedar slip in. Thank you guys!
Yes, I've seen those when I used to use shavings, it's fine. It could have been lighter when you first the bedding into the cage and your chin could have soiled it making it look darker. Chins pee is really a dark orangey reddish color.
If you cut a tree down, there is a darker core, that's the heartwood. The sapwood is lighter and twoard the outside of the tree. The darker heartwood shavings have more resin but in both of those species is still considered safe.
Aspen bark is almost white in color. There are darker parts of the wood as mentioned previously. That is perfectly natural and nothing to worry about.
If there is cedar you should be able to smell it.

I use Pets Pick from Walmart and love it, small soft "chips" and super absorbent.
When I can't make it to a TSC to pick up pine bedding I use the Wal-Mart stuff too. LOVE how fluffy it normally is. But as stated, sometimes there ARE bigger barkier type pieces and it's nothing to worry about :)
I have use Pets Pick too - I get them at K-Mart, my chin love them