Is my chins eye infected, or did his cage mate nip him?

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2010
Huron, Ohio
My baby Alexander came up with a bald spot by his eye the other day. It was fresh and pink when I noticed it. That was 2 days ago. I just picked him up and looked at it closer. Now it's a bit more brown and hard. His eye isn't seeping or swollen. Just has a bald spot. Does this look like it could be an infection or fungus? Or do you think his cagemate may have nipped him while they were playing? They're both boys, born on the same day, so neither is a big bully. They get along great, but play rough sometimes!

It looks like fungus to me. Fungus often starts around the eye or nose and spreads out from there. The fur loss and scaly appearance of the skin is indicative of fungus.
What do I treat it with? I am running errands today and would like to pick something up to treat it as soon as possible!!
Most treat fungus with blu-kote but I don't think I'd be comfortable treating that close to the eye. You can also put tinactin in the dust bath. It is one heaping teaspoon of tinactin per cup of dust.

You also need to isolate this chin completely from all the others. Fungus can be extremely contagious. Wash your hands after handling him as you can be infected or it can be carried from you to another chin.

Here is the FAQ on fungus:
I got the tinactin today and will start treating him immediately. Thank you for your help. This just appeared out of the blue a couple days ago. Since it was fresh and pink I thought the other chin just got too rough with him, but made sure to keep an eye on it. I have never dealt with fungus before. I'm glad I now know what to look for so I don't leave it for 3 days! I appreciate the help.
Just keep an eye on the eye. I used Tinactin in one of my chin's baths before and then she ended up with an eye infection.
I thought tinactin was used in preventative measures? However, when the fungus is present, a veterinarian would need to prescribe a topical fungicide. I've never experienced fungus before but I've always just thrown tinactin in with my bin of blue cloud. Can tinactin be used for treatment of the fungus itself?
i just noticed it that morning and figured it was fungus but wasnt 100% sure but i applied blue kote to it quickly with a rag...i also do have tinactin on hand to mix with her dust actually looks a bit better...i think i caught it when it just was BARELY noticeable..i only saw it because i was holding her