Is it too warm?

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2010
My chins are in the basement, in a small room without windows, there is this small weird little 'cave' thing that is actually under our drive which heats up during the day. But anyway, there is no air conditioning in the chin room, as we don't have central heating. We have a window fan in a window that is about 12-18 feet from the door. I really worry that they get way to hot in there, there ae not too many signs that they are overheating but I still worry. We don't have a thermometer down there but I am thinking that's it's warmer that necessary, I don't know though. When it gets to be about 80 degrees outside, would it be too warm down there or cooler? And would it be too warm? :waiting: I'm so tired of debating.
the only way to tell if it is too warm is to put a thermometer in the room and see what the temperature is. What feels okay to us, is not always okay for the chins. The hottest I've ever allowed my room (where the chins are kept) to get is 74 degrees--they start to seem lethargic and lay on their sides quite a bit at 74, for them 72 or cooler is the best.

Get a thermometer for the room, especially since you are in doubt of them being kept cool
And would it be too warm? I'm so tired of debating.

None of us would be able to tell for you. Don't debate, go and get a thermometer. They are very cheap at Wal-Mart, I believe one was under $2. Since your chins are in the basement, you also need to know what the humidity level is. That can also add to the heat index. I bought a digital thermometer/hygrometer for $6-7 at Wal-Mart. You need to get this asap!
Okay, we'll be heading our to get one ASAP. But I'm worried that if it gets too warm, there is nothing else we can do. :banghead:
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In the mean time, you can add ceramic tiles or granite slabs called Chin Chillers to the cage that they can stand/sleep on if they get too hot. I try to keep one in the cage whether it's hot out or not.

It is cheaper to get granite tiles at a place like Home Depot or Lowe's - tiles there are only $5, whereas Chin Chillers are usually around $10.
Okay, we'll be heading our to get one ASAP. But I'm worried that if it gets too warm, there is nothing else we can do. :banghead:

They sell portable, stand-alone air conditioning units, some of them also work as dehumidifiers. After you get the thermometer, you can see whether you need to invest in one.
And as an emergency stop-gap, fill a soda bottle or water bottles with tap water and put them in the freezer. You don't need to put them IN the chin's cage - they will sweat after all, but next to it will create a little "zone of cool" that might give them a little more comfort. My rabbit liked that on hot days, she wouldn't lie touching it (she HATED being wet) but an inch away felt good to her.
And as an emergency stop-gap, fill a soda bottle or water bottles with tap water and put them in the freezer. You don't need to put them IN the chin's cage - they will sweat after all, but next to it will create a little "zone of cool" that might give them a little more comfort. My rabbit liked that on hot days, she wouldn't lie touching it (she HATED being wet) but an inch away felt good to her.

You can also wrap it in fleece and they'll snuggle against it.
i have my chins in my basement but i have central air. it is always at least 5 degrees colder down there. i also run a dehumidifier during the summer and sometimes during the winter.
you do need to have a backup plan though. in my office at work i have a portable a/c unit that did require a hole in the wall to be cut for exhaust. it was a few hundred dollars. that may be an option since you do not have windows down there.

also when getting the thermometer, try & get one that measures humidity so that you can determine if you need a dehumidifier. sometimes basements may be cool but humid and the dehumidifier will even out the room.
I have my chins in our basement and have no need for a/c down there as it stays cool. What I worry is that you're debating whether it's too warm or not. When I go down into our basement there is no doubt in my mind as to whether or not it is cool enough as it is always the same temperature and is plenty cool.

If you're thinking it's too warm it probably is. I'm also confused as to where they are. Are they in that "cave" that you're describing where it gets hot?

A fan will do nothing to cool a chin, but if you're circulating cooler air into the room it will help lower the ambient temperature. Chins don't sweat so a fan in an already hot room will not cool them.

If it is too hot down there they will need to move to a room with a window so that you can get a window a/c unit. Providing a cool area is a must for chins and if you cannot do this you can end up with chins with heatstroke or chins that will die.