is it a he or a she...

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Ok, I don't have the experience you guys do, I am reposting in order to learn. I thought it was a boy, the middle pic was the clearest one and it shows a space between the cone and anus. I even checked this link to make sure since I don't have any girls.

The middle picture is deceiving because it is blurry and a weird angle. It does look like a space but it is actually the bottom of her cone not a space. If it was a clear picture you would be able to tell that the part that sticks out is the same part that is close to her anus.
Thankyou guys for all your help. I really apologize about the quality of the pictures, she just wouldn't sit still for even a second and I had another person holding her even. "She" is at least 5 months old so you should be able to see the difference clearly if it was a male. All of your responses though have helped me confirm my suspicion. I'm going to be setting up an appointment to have my male neutered sometime soon so they can be reunited. Thanks everyone.
Don't be sorry about the picture quality, at least two of us thought it might be a male and I for one learned something. That's always good. I am glad you have joined us here at CnH
My first chin was given to me and I was told it's a boy. I later learned here she was a girl. I was told to put her on a table in front of me facing away and lift her back legs off the table by her tail. That helps id the sex because if it's a male the space will be more pronounced that way. It turned out that little Ozzie was a girl but I still kept the name Ozzie for her. She was named after Ozzie Guillen, the Chicago White Sox baseball teams coach. :laughitup:
Some females just have a larger cone than others, don't they? I was going to say female too. Maybe it was the larger cone that made the store (pet store?) believe it was a male.
it's a girl. A small space could just mean the chinchilla has a large vagina (located between the anus and cone). Males have a very pronounced gap and also, I've noticed, they have a tiny stretch of skin once they mature that stretches from the sheath to anywhere from the anus to the middle of the gap depending on the male.