Im worried, shes wet I but I dont know how!

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Feb 26, 2009
Lily has been having some soft poo's lately and this morning when i went and checked on her, her head and side and around her bottom were soaked and sticky like. It didnt come from her water bottle because there isnt a whole and is at the same level as last night. I dont know what is wrong with her, she isnt acting herself and im really worried.


Is she caged with another chin or is she by herself? Is she eating/drinking? Have you noticed any vaginal discharge? If you weigh her regularly, has she lost any weight?
it could also be drool, you may want to have her checked at a vet if she is displaying any signs of discomfort. sometimes when my chin drools and then tries to clean himself the area gets wet.
It could be anything really. I know one of my boys had a wet sticky spot on his side, and it turned out he was digging out a spot in the bedding and rolling in his own pee.
She looks really has to be pee or water. But if she is acting strange...then she may need to go to the vet. She may, however, just be acting like that because she is wet/sticky and not the other way around.
I would try to clean her up (her being sticky won't help the vet). Use a damp towel or an unscented baby wipe and then let her dry (it will take a while, but she will be FLUFFY afterward) and then maybe a dust bath. Then, if it happens again, something may be wrong. If not, it was probably a romp in the pee!

How is she acting strange? Is she playing/pooing/eating/drinking/peeing? She probably feels funny being sticky. She wants a dust bath I am sure. If she just isn't herself tonight (playing and eating/pooing) or any other symptoms appear, consider taking her to the vet. I have seen my chins pee and then "roll" right by is all too easy for them to get in their pee unless you have a wire floored cage!

Keep us posted.
Did you have anything setting on top of her cage? Are you absoulutly sure she didn't get into the water bottle. If she is acting weird get her to a vet.
There was nothing on top of her cage, im sure it wasnt that water bottle. Her fur isn't sticky anymore since i gave her a dust bath. Her fur still looks awful. She is doing everything normally except poo. She's pirked up more now.
She isn't pooing? Or she is still eating them? Mine don't drop and leave them until late at night. If she doesn't poo normally tonight (or the same as last night) you may have a problem. Otherwise, I bet it is pee.....does she smell? Or Could there be a leak on the ceiling? She looks so wet in the pic. I can't imagine she would be able to produce that much saliva or natural oils in a short amount of time.

Could another chin from another cage had sprayed her?
How old is the chin, how long have you had her, and it is possible that she had a uterine infection or hydropsy? Check to see if her vaginal opening is open or closed, it might not have discharge there, just look at the openess of it.

Was the fluid sticky or just wet, did it have a smell? You should've used a blow drier on her before putting her in dust. Dirt + water = mud.