I'm so mad I could spit!

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Poppy the mosaic squibbit
Jan 29, 2009
Farm country, Northern Illinois
Last night my daughter went into the laundry room of her apartment building to throw a load of laundry in. There was a kid who doesn't live there in the laundry room, sitting on the floor. The kid (who's about 12 years old) says to my daughter "There's a squirrel in the sink." My daughter looks in the sink and there is a soaking wet squirrel in the sink. My daughter asks what the heck is going on. The kid (BRAT) says he found the squirrel in the road on his way over to hang with some other brats from the apartment complex. Apparently the squirrel got hit by a car and had a broken leg but was still alive. The group of kids claimed this brat was hitting it with a stick then threw it at one of the girls. The girl got bit by the squirrel. Then the brat brought it into the building and got it soaking wet in the sink. My daughter was Pi$$ed! She got both Moms of the other kids involved who did live in the building and called the police. Unfortunately nothing really came of it. Both parents were quite angry with their children for hurting the squirrel and the kid who doesn't live there was told by the police to not ever come into the apartment complex again or he will be 'arrested'. My daughter and both Moms said they would call the police if that brat ever showed up there again. Well, in regards to the squirrel, my daughter said they just let it loose in a woody area adjacent to the apartment complex. I asked my daughter why she didn't call me so I could get the squirrel and bring it to the county rehabber today. She said she thought the police would call animal control but they didn't. As for the kid who got bit, she was not brought to the Emergency Room because the police called the ER and squirrels are not carrier of rabies. http://rabies.emedtv.com/rabies/rabies-and-squirrels.html I feel so bad for this squirrel. Not to be cruel, but I don't think this squirrel will survive and I hope an owl got it in the night and it is now out of it's misery. I am so upset over this incident. :cry4:
Oh, that's so sad =( I work hands on with a rehabber and have raise and cared for many little squirrels in my life time. It actually makes rather furious that people could be so heartless! :(
If the squirrel's leg was broken and that is the only significant injury it suffered, it might heal and be okay. Rodents heal quickly, and generally have high pain tolerances.

Either way, they should get the kids parents' number and talk with them ( they the cops )
My Mom and I have rehabbed lots of squirrels/rodents here and as Riven said If the squirrel's leg was broken and that is the only significant injury it suffered, it might heal and be okay. Rodents heal quickly, and generally have high pain tolerances.. theres a good chance it went into hiding and will remain there until it feels it is safe and well enough to come out. sorry for your saddness and your daughter having to go through this. D
Did the cops talk to the kids' parents though? The one that didn't live in the building? Because they should be disciplining the kid. It's said that most people who are abusive, murders, serial killers, etc. start out abusing animals.

Is it cold there or warm? Hopefully he'll get to a cozy warm place and be all right.
Did the cops talk to the kids' parents though? The one that didn't live in the building? Because they should be disciplining the kid. It's said that most people who are abusive, murders, serial killers, etc. start out abusing animals.

Is it cold there or warm? Hopefully he'll get to a cozy warm place and be all right.

The cops only talked to the parents of the kids who lived there. They sent the other brat away. It is getting warm here but in the 40's at night. I hope for that brat's sake I don't come across him. I don't know who he is but if I'm with my daughter, she'll point him out.
This type of behavior in children concerns me greatly. I know that this is not new, but it seems to me to be more prevalent lately, and I don't know what to think of our "evolution." I would think that as we evolve we would become more caring and considerate, not less so, but that seems to be the way it is. It appears that we are regressing as a society, not progressing, and it makes me sad - and not a little scared for the future of the human race.

I hope the squirrel is ok, or at least not suffering, whatever that may mean.
Another psychopath in the making....so scary. THere is a kid on our street that found a bird and was treating it the same way. I took the bird but the kid's mom was ticked off at me for taking the bird away from him, She said " He found it and he wanted to keep it"!!! was soooo mad and told her that it was against the law for him to "keep" it and if she wanted to call the police I would be more than happy to report how the child was treating the wild animal. I took the bird, a sparrow, to our wild life rehabber and she was actually released a few months later.
I am sooo sick of hearing about psycho children that have irresponsible and equally psycho parents.

I truly hope the squirrel is ok and I am glad that your daughter stuck up for an animal that was being abused.
It's said that most people who are abusive, murders, serial killers, etc. start out abusing animals.

That's EXACTLY what I was thinking!
Some people are just plain sick and won't get the help they need until after they do serious harm to an actual person. Even then, they are simply institutionalized in jail and nothing really comes of it!
Uh, yeah, that kid needs help FAST. Animal abuse/mutilation is high on the list of sociopathic indicators (along with bed wetting and a lack of empathy). I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't the first animal he has done something like this to. If he's starting early, it won't be long until he graduates to other, younger children.

And I think we all know that Junior will not be really punished over this because that would necessitate the kind of parental involvement that would have kept him from doing it in the first place, and his parents obviously don't have time for that.

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