IDEAL age kit?

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2009
Hello! I'm new here, :wave3: I'm getting a chin very soon. One question i have, (which is almost impossible to search for in this forum so sorry if its repeat), is what is the IDEAL age to bring home a kit?
I have read that 6-8weeks is fine, but i've also read you want to wait up to 3 months. I really want to make sure I bond with my chinchilla the best way possible. I was wondering if anyone can narrow it down to the best week of when to bring home a kit. Thanks a lot guys!
I think that any kit up to about five months old would work for that bonding experience with a young chin. However, some people do bond with older chins just as easily. It mostly depends on the chins' personalities and how much they have been socialized with people.
I agree with Susan. I think too many people put emphasis on age. They see a cute little baby and that's all they can see. They totally discount how wonderful an older guy or gal can be. It's all going to depend on the personality. Getting a kit does not guarantee you anything.

As far as the age of bringing one home, I would not let a kit leave here until after 8 weeks. I generally don't wean until then and then I allow a 2 week period to make sure they are eating and gaining well on their own, away from mom.
For myself, they do not leave home under 12 weeks. I gradually separate them at 8 to finally be on it's own at 10 and as previously mentionned from 10 to 12 I make sure they eat, drink and gain well.

As for bonding, age says anything, it's all in the matter of the chins personality.
A kit should be with their mom until they are at least 8 weeks. However, age makes no difference with how you bond with a chin. If you spend time with them and are patient, you can bond with a chin of any age. I hear from so many people wanting a 'young' chin because they want them to be friendly and bond with them. I have had many very hyper and nervous young chins come here.

Don't dismiss a chin that is 5+ years in age. They are very sweet and you can bond with them just as fast as a younger chin.
A kit should be with their mom until they are at least 8 weeks. However, age makes no difference with how you bond with a chin. If you spend time with them and are patient, you can bond with a chin of any age. I hear from so many people wanting a 'young' chin because they want them to be friendly and bond with them. I have had many very hyper and nervous young chins come here.

Don't dismiss a chin that is 5+ years in age. They are very sweet and you can bond with them just as fast as a younger chin.

Hehe we have the same name! anyways ty for the advice. for my first chin i really do want a baby. I'm only 21 years old and look forward to a long life with my chin. I was only asking because I've already picked out a chin, its 7 weeks right now and will be weened by august 1st (8 weeks old). so i was wondering whether maybe it was TOO young. idk.
for the future tho, if i do get more chins i will def look into rescuing one. =)

edit: i obviously won't be taking it home till its weened at 8 weeks. but is 8 weeks not ideal?
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Some people wean at 6 weeks and send the chins out. It's just a personal preference of mine not to do that. I'm not in any hurry to shove them out the door, so if they stay with mom until 8 weeks that's fine.

I have weaned before then, but it's either been for health reasons on mom's part or because the kits were of a sufficient weight and I had need of a foster mom. Other than that, they stay until 8, stay here at least until 10, then go to their new homes.
Regardless of when I wean I like to make sure they're eating and ok living alone for a week or two before I send them on their way.
I don't wean before 8 weeks unless there's a VERY good reason, and I like to keep them for a couple of weeks after to make sure they are eating and gaining. Honestly, though, I've had more people like to get older guys - 1 year or more - because they seem to be calmer and more socialized. Sometimes the skittish babies are scary for people.