I wasn't ready for this.

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I have been reading all of your posts and i have to say You are wonderful for such an active and loving steps in taking care of Tia. I know Tia would thank you if she could talk. As far as the Pumpkin goes it is Pumpkin puree and you can get it in the cooking section, not the pie filling that has spices and sugar in it, made that mistake once, makes a great pie but not so good for the fuzz butts. Yup Chinny care can be EXPENSIVE but look at those faces and how can you do anything else.
It is a hard and long road but in the end both you and her will benefit from all the bonding.
we always hurt when they hurt

Hi, I am sort of a lurker here, but I thought I'd chime in. Having followed Tia's story, and seen the x-ray, I feel quite a bit of empathy, both for her and for you. It's not fair to poor Tia to have to deal with a broken hip like that; injuries are difficult for animals, since they don't completely understand why things hurt.

It is obvious that like many on this forum, you are an animal lover, and that you relationship with Tia is a bit like a father-child relationship: you want her to be happy and have a good life, and your reaction to hearing her cry is completely understandable and familiar to me. I would react exactly the same way.

It is always the case that having them hurt, hurts us too. In fact, reading about her crying is upsetting to me and makes my heart goes out to her, even though I'm a complete stranger.

So at least I don't think you are being whiny.

I do want to echo what others are saying on this thread: you are doing great. I don't think anyone could do a better job. Your reaction to her pain tells me you are the best parent she could have, because you have her interests at heart. Your patience and perseverance are necessary for her recovery. Keep it up, stay patient, and know that we are rooting for her to get better with all our hearts.
I can't you guys how much your words have cheered me up! I started a blog to record Tia's progress, you can find it here. The CC, LifeLine and Dyne has been ordered, and I will be getting a scale and recording her weight also as soon as possible!
like i said in my post the page before............document your journey it will help!

watch out with the dyne.......not too much. it is very thick and sweet. i only give my boys about .02 - .03 cc once in a while if i notice severe weight loss. that is literally only like a thumbnail full. it is a very small amount. i have one teeny tiny little guy, so about 1 time per week, i give him .02 cc with a 1.0 cc of lifeline. his current weight is about 425 grams and he is well over a year. so tia's weight is well within the normal range.

we also like pics here, so feel free to post more of tia.......i would like to see her outside now that i have seen her inside! lol
like i said in my post the page before............document your journey it will help!

watch out with the dyne.......not too much. it is very thick and sweet. i only give my boys about .02 - .03 cc once in a while if i notice severe weight loss. that is literally only like a thumbnail full. it is a very small amount. i have one teeny tiny little guy, so about 1 time per week, i give him .02 cc with a 1.0 cc of lifeline. his current weight is about 425 grams and he is well over a year. so tia's weight is well within the normal range.

we also like pics here, so feel free to post more of tia.......i would like to see her outside now that i have seen her inside! lol

Thank you for the info about the dyne, I know nothing about it... That's definitely good to know.

Should I mix a little bit of dyne (and I mean a teeny tiny amount, just enough to flavor it) with her pellet goop on the days that she refuses to eat?

And should I feed her CC every day, or just days when she doesn't eat all that she should?

Last night, after I fed her the pellet goop, I noticed that she seemed much happier. She curled right up and watched TV and let me read to her... usually she throws a tantrum if she sees me in the room (because she wants out of the carrier) or sulks in the back.
If there is no gut issue, I mix it right in with the critical care. Ryerson's recommend lightly coating the bottom of a water bottle, then filling the bottle the rest of the way up with water and shaking it. It ends up looking kind of like skim milk. You would have to change it frequently though, and also hang a regular water bottle, which with a cat carrier isn't real practical.
Thanks Olallie. :))

Tunes - Actually, I jerry rigged a water bottle to hang in the cage pretty normally. It sits on the outside and pokes through the slats on the sides. That's how I hang chew toys in there too, so she doesn't pee on them.

There is one thing I ask of all of you... if it comes to a point where I am extending the death (of ANY critter, not just Tia) rather than the life, please tell me. (I was reading old threads, lol.)
Ash, what I meant was hang TWO water bottles. Generally if you do a Dyne bottle, you hang a regular water bottle as well. I have that same cat carrier here, and it would be a bit of a pain to hang both of them on the front.
Who knows what would have happened to Tia if you hadn't come into her life. I don't even want to speculate on that. You are where she is supposed to be. It can be so disheartening at times when you see them in pain and worse hearing their cries. I don't know how long it would take for Tia to heal from this break but I pray that the worst is over for her. Like Crysta said, you are only given what you can handle, even if its hurts so bad.

Ash, keep doing what you are doing and keep asking questions. Everyone here only wants the best for Tia and you have gotten some great help and advice from some very good people. I have broken down in tears as well with my malo chin but you learn to shake it off and move forward into positive thoughts and actions. It's not whining, your fears and sometimes small moments of helplessness come from the love that you have inside. You will only be a better chin parent from this experience.

My thoughts are with you and Tia, and sending tons of positive vibes your way!
Tunes - Actually, I hang the water bottle from the side... so that she can watch TV out of the front. :) Her hay-holder hangs on the other side also, and she pulls hay through the slats.

Sandi - You know, I've been thinking about that. She probably would have ended up wasting away from the pain. And since the people didn't care about her, they probably never would have noticed until one day they found her gone. I've thought about this, and it makes me angry... "Yeah, our chinchilla just passed away for no reason," that's what they'd say. Ignorant fools! I know she's in better hands here rather than there, but you're right... sometimes it just feels like it's too much. But all of you are here and it helps so, so much. I can only imagine how it would be to have a chin with malo... I mean, at least Tia will heal eventually. Malo doesn't heal, or does it?
I just wanted to say that I have followed this and an so sorry the both of you have to go through this. I have a mood disorder too and seeing any of my animals in pain is so horrible. You really have my empathy.

I also want you to know that I think Tia is in the right place because I believe love is felt by all creatures. It sounds like she is doing as well as she can because you have taken such good care of her. Even if she is never normal she has a home where this just makes her more special. Please know I will keep you and Tia in my thoughts.
Ash, you just remember that no matter what you can always post on here. If someone is mad at you for being "whiny" as they may call it, fine then they should just ignore the thread. It's not like you are making them read it.

You and Tia are in this together and I know you haven't had her long and you have already had a bump in the road where it is testing your relationship with each other but just be positive and know that this will bring you closer. Tia may not understand why she is in that carrier but as long as her Daddy is giving her affection and as much love as possible than she will be happy. Try not to be sad in front of her because you want her to see you being strong and being all happy when you see her, it will help her from getting upset about her current condition and it will hopefully make the healing process go by faster. I can only imagine how hard it is to not cry in front of her and I know you are trying to make sure she is very happy and you are doing everything that you can.

Phoenix knows when I am unhappy or sad and she will just watch me forever until I am ready for bed. She knows the difference between when I am in a happy mood or in a sad mood. There usually is no in between with me.

We are all here for you, no matter what.
It is so wonderful that Tia has such a loving chin Daddy!

I had a dear little cat who came into my life many years ago who had many health problems. I was always there for her and she for me. I never doubted that someone upstairs brought us together, it sounds to me like Tia and you were meant to be together. Hang in there, you are doing a great job :)