I left the cage open :(

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Well gald to hear I'm not the only one.....thanks everyone for making me feel better.

I'm going to do my best not to let that happen again.

That's all you can do. :) Learn from your mistakes and move on. Now you know to double check the cage and your babies will be safer in the long run because of it.
When I was on vacation I decided to
leAve misty in the closet for the night and she pushed the door open!!! I wAs soooooo scared and didn't know what to do! I later found her in the room running around and I had to capture her cause she is a crazzyyyyyy chinchila!!!! She is veryy calm and loving when I hold her thouh :) I was holding misty and cookie together and she fell asleep cuddling right next
me while cookie was exploring :) she's my little baby girly l
This happened to us once. There is a door on the TOP of our chinchilla cage. I had that open and we took the chins in the other room to play with them. I asked my fiance if he would put the chins away, but to make sure he remembere to close the door. He mush have had a brainfart or something because he thought I ment the regular door, and was a little confused as to why I would remind him to close that. He didn't even notice the top door was open.

In the middle of the night, one of the chins decided to run across the top of our desk which was next to the cage, and chew up all sorts of things. In the morning, he was back in his cage, but we had alot of ruined stuff!

We were glad that our chins were not hurt, but a little mad at ourselves over it. lol.

Silly chins.
When I was on vacation I decided to
leave misty in the closet for the night and she pushed the door open!!!

She was in her cage in the closet right? You know you can't leave her running around in the closet I assume. She could easily eat right through the wall board and get lost in the walls or floor. As well as countless other things.
I did it, once. Well, it wasn't me, it was my dad. I came down from my bedroom and saw the chinchilla cage door open. Then i went looking for him. I found him asleep, and tried to put him back in his cage. But he ran away from me and went up the chimney!

I was so scared because i was going to my mum's, my dad was at work, and i was terrified that he would turn the fire on when he came back. I was so worried i would never get him back. Luckily I did.
Then there was the time that Sam got out into the ducts of our house and was gone a week. Just guess about how that was! Evil, evil Sam. I believe his new nickname is Osama now at his new home. :p

Yes, Sam is now nicknamed "Osama Chin Laden" due to the fact that he will squeeze himself into the tiniest spots and stay there, hiding. LOL Little boogers. I think he enjoys his time away from his brother Dexter!:pillowfight:

Thank goodness we haven't had any super escapes yet.*knock on wood* There was a time Bowie jumped out of his playpen and my BF was brushing his teeth and looks over and sees him sitting on the toilet, staring at him. It was almost like he was bragging that he could get out! We briefly considered changing Bowie to a Houdini after that stunt and one other escape from the pen.:laughitup:
I can't tell you how many times my chins have been loose. It happens. :) We always try to catch them as quickly as possible, but there are times when the little stinkers are well hidden and they have fun during the night. We leave food and hay out...we always see the poo evidence of a fun night's romp. :D
She was in her cage in the closet right? You know you can't leave her running around in the closet I assume. She could easily eat right through the wall board and get lost in the walls or floor. As well as countless other things.
That's what I was wondering as well. I'm assuming the chinchilla was out of its cage if it actually push the closet door open and get out. If that's the case, then that is a VERY bad idea.

My boy Pip is an escape artist but since we've had the chin room now for a year and a half he's only escaped once and it's chin-proofed so no big deal.

A few months back I didn't do the second latch on my boy Zeke's cage and in the middle of the night I woke up realized that I hadn't locked it properly, bolted downstairs and found Zeke sitting there on the love seat watching cartoons, lol. I sometimes left the cartoon station on for him on mute b/c he was a single boy back then. It happens.
One day when my girls were at my parents house I was at my SO's house spending time with him. I got a call that my girls had opened the door to their superpet cage all by themselves. They're now with me at SO's house an they've opened it 2 other times when we forget to secure the doors completely. Now I have a ferret nation, so much less door worries.

I also have a cardboard playpen and the part where the sides of the cardboard meets together my one girl has figured out she can pull on it and open it for an escape when I'm not looking, she also figured out that mom's shoulders are high enough to be able to jump over the cardboard from.
Oh this has happened to me MANY times lol :) Usually my chin Max sneaks out of my hands and makes a break for it and it took me 2 hours before to catch him!

Once I was VERY scared though because I woke up and he was not in his cage and the cage door was open. I was about to start crying my eyes out when something just came into my head to look behind the fridge and behold, there was Max! He had a few cobwebs on him, but other than that he was perfectly fine. I don't even know how long he was out for :S Now, I made SURE those cage doors won't open lol
I haven't done it but my boyfriend has. He woke up with Polo grooming his eyebrows from the head board of his bed! They had 2 dogs in the house too so we were lucky the chin stayed in the room and the dogs didn't come in.

my friends chins play at night and i have slept in there a few times on the floor, and they do their popcorn on your face and nibble at your ears and nose to wake you up. it's priceless.