I call them and they come!

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2009
modesto CA
Your chins listen so well. Better than some kids I have seen. Even though you do dress them up sometimes. Do you still take them to work with you?
Your chins listen so well. Better than some kids I have seen. Even though you do dress them up sometimes. Do you still take them to work with you?

Yep, here they are at work


They are actually really easy to teach, Lu learned how to come in a few days but he is exceptionally smart. Most learn in a week or so to be carrier trained. Rocco and Guido are trained to go back to their cages from the play pens, Spice is the one hold out-she needs to go into a tube first, then the carrier is put in front and she goes in.
I love how Rocco knows the way back to his home and goes all on his own! More videos of your awesome chinnie playtimes please!
those videos are great! And that playroom is to die for! I have got to keep my girl's eyes covered or they are going to pack their bags and hitchhike to your place!
seriously Dawn the more i see/read the more i think you need a chin-channel! Training tips on you tube!
I try treats, repetition etc and my boy is so aloof, stubborn and mischievous! His intelligence is definately honed to manipulation at present!
As i'm typing this he's chewing at all the bars determined to keep me awake because he wants out (he has had his run)

Also What a chin-room! That's heaven! same goes for the ma-huuusive cages- you spoil them rotton! Nice one!!