How cool do you keep your chin room?

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Sep 25, 2012
I have my chin's cage in the upstairs right by the stairs. Accors the stairs is the dormer window. Temps stay at 69-70 degrees. When we do have power outage I have forzen blocks I wrap in towels that I put in a dog carrier, which I move downstairs. Example we had the power outage for over 12 hours. Next step would be to put them in the car running with the a/c on to control temps.

Now I've read and though I was doing it right by keeping temps 69-70 but that appears to be on the high end of what is deamed "ok" what do you guys and gals keep your chins at?

I do notice midgy to be underneath the 2nd level of her ferret nation cage most of the day just hanging out. At night of course she moves around. But she has done this for while. I keep their cage (Midgy and Mini (M&M for short)) with in view from my bed room that way they can see still me and hear me but I don't wake up to stepping on thier po.
In the winter, our house is about 67. In the summer, our house is about 70. We have a heat pump, but would do the same things you discussed for emergencies.
My boys are in the living room, it stays around 70-73. Sometimes on really hot days it can get up to 75 or so during the day. If it was a hot humid day, we usually skip playtime that night. They seem to over do it more on the humid days, so we try to avoid that.
75F is the highest temp, beyond that you're into the danger zone. My chin room stays around 68-70F and is controlled for humidity as well.
Depends on the chins, I used to have P/Ws who were ALWAYS hot, so the room was kept at 63-65, the one mosaic I have gets cold at 65 so he would stay under his fleece blanket when sleeping, now the ones I have don't care a whole lot so to keep the mosaic happy the room is at around 70-72, everyone is happy.
I'm lucky I have a finished basement that stays in the mid to high 60's year round. I moved all of my chins down there 3 years ago and they are doing well. When they were on the main level they rarely got on their wheels during the summer months. I remember a few summers where the central a/c was running nonstop and it got as high as the mid 70's, my boys were not liking that too much.
I keep my room at an unwavering 66 in the summertime, though in winter it gets a bit colder in spite of my best efforts because this house I live in has no insulation and it does not like to warm up! Otherwise I try very hard to maintain my 66
My house has two floors and a basement. I would keep them in the basement but is too humid, and its where all the kids hang out, which would be too loud. So I keep them in my room which is about 70 all year round because its cold enough for them, and warm enough for the family. And for those cold days, when someone puts on the fire place, I break out the chinchillers.
In the Summer when it's harder to keep it super cold, we keep it at 72 or below and everyone seems comfortable. I would love to keep it below 70 all year around, but with it being 97 degrees it makes things difficult. In the Winter we rarely use the heat, so it's usually 62-66.
Mine stays at around 68 to 70. The warmest it has been is around 72 when I had to use a heat lamp for a bird who was not feeling well. The chins were just fine.
70-72 in the summertime, and then in the winter it can be anywhere from 65-70.
I get nervous anywhere close to 70. It is humid in the big city.

My puff has his home in our bedroom. It has a window unit that has remained mostly on these last few weeks. I also keep the blinds closed.

It stays quiet in there and in a Manhattan 1/1 it's the furthest room from the heat producing kitchen.

In winter I kept the windows open for cool fresh air. It got down to 55 which made me worry about him being cold but
Julio seems to go ballistic when it gets in the 50s. He's bright eyed and bushy tail, running everywhere. He also loves fleecy caves and his hidey house. The cooler temps make snoozing in there probably more comfortable. I noticed closer to 70s and humid he gets sluggish. He will also sleep on his chinchiller slap under his wood rainbow house.
Luckily my back room in my house has no direct sun, never measured it above 21 even in high summer. most lucky for me.