
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
May 7, 2010
Toronto Canada
Just thought I'd say hi to everyone on this site. I've been reading the info on the threads, and I must say there's a lot of good info here. I've had chins while growing up and they lived 12.5 years on Mazuri, timothy hay and lots of bad treats :) Back then no one knew what chins were and they didn't exist in pet stores. These guys came from a fur farm. They were both good boys :)

Anyhow, I now got 5 fuzzbutts (Pokei, Poncho, Pancake, Pineapple and Pow Pow) all around 2 years old more or less. All are different colours and all came from hobby breeders that have since closed down. I feed these guys mazuri, timothy hay and very little treats; nothing sugary and no nuts (I've learned!). They are all males and I have no interest in breeding them.

I'm currently having trouble with one....something I will post about in the appropriate section.
Hello and Welcome! You sure have come to the right place if you have a question. People here are very nice and very willing to answer questions even if you think they are stupid lol. Also I'd love to see pictures of your chins!
You have to upload them to a photo-hosting site (like photobucket). Then, when you make a thread or a reply post, you will see a little button at the top of the text box with a mountain and a sun in it. Click that, and a box will pop up prompting you for the link to your photos. Just copy and paste that sucker in, and you've got it!
welcome i think you have come to the right place. first off everyone on here loves pictures. second i think we all made treat and food mistakes with our first chins nothing to be ashamed of you live and you learn. welcome i hope you find all the answers you need as well as many new and wonderful friends.