Hi from Lucy :)

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Hello everyone , I am a new chin owner from england. My chinchilla is called jasper and lives by himself because he does not get on with other chins :( I also have a bunny called Dylan. Joined the site because im looking for tips and advice from other chin owners who are more experienced than me. If anyone has any tips on how to intergrate my bunny and chinchilla it would be appriciated as Dylan doesn't like him much at the min .
thanks :)
Welcome Lucy. :)

Dylan should never, ever be exposed to your bunny. Rabbits can carry a disease called Pasturella, even if they themselves never show any signs of it. While it's fairly easily treatable in rabbits, it can be deadly in chins. In addition to that, even small rabbits have a pretty strong back leg kick. They could very easily injure your chin, even though they wouldn't mean to. Different species should stay separate. Putting them together is an accident waiting to happen.
Welcome! Listen to Tunes, she knows what she's talking about.

We would LOVE to see pictures of your chin and bunny!!
Welcome to the forum :D I agree with Tunes on the bunny/chin question :D

You have come to the right place for questions and to learn. Glad you are here. We look forward to pictures.
Hi!! I know it may be disappointing to learn your bunny and chin can't play together but you can always enjoy them separately.
Hi and welcome! Sorry, but better safe than sorry...keep the bunny and chin apart. But we really would love to see pics of them!