Hi From Indiana!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
May 28, 2011
Indy area
Hello everyone,

My name is Lisa and I am from the Indianapolis area. I am a new chinchilla owner, going on two months now! I am a stay at home of of three young children. We relocated here about a year ago, so we are renting and are not allowed a cat or dog, and with my oldest child's pet allergies, a chinchilla seemed the best bet for our family. My kids adore Misty, who is a young gray female chinchilla.

I posted a question in the new ownser forum, so advice would be very appreciated! Also noticed on here that a lot of people say not to give them raisins, but I bought a bottle of chinchilla treats at the pet store that is raisins, rose hips, and papaya. Just curious if this is personal preference of if there is a real reason not to give them raisins.

Welcome to CnH. :)

Be aware that while a chin itself doesn't usually cause allergies, their "stuff almost always does - hay, shavings, dust, and even pellets for some people. Just something to be wary of.
Welcome! I also live in Indianapolis :))

The not giving raisins is not personal preference- it is for their own health. Chinchillas have bacteria in their GI systems that help them digest their food. They do not process sugars well. The high sugars in raisins and any other fruits (be it dried or fresh) can really cause health problems. The sugars can cause the bacteria in the gut to overgrow. A product of bacteria is gas, and this can lead to bloat which is very painful and can even be deadly to a chinchilla. It can also cause other issues such as diarrhea.

Unfortunately many of the treats at pet stores marketed for chinchillas are actually not safe for them at all.

Healthy treats should always be given in moderation and include old fashioned oats, unfrosted shredded wheat, rose hips, and some people here make "chin cookies" with chin safe ingredients.

Take a look around, ready through our New Owner FAQ's, and the search feature at the top right of the forum is very helpful if you're looking for something specific. If you can't find something you're looking for, feel free to post. :))

You were given good advice about treats from Stackie. You may use the rose hips out of that treat bottle but ditch the rest! Enjoy your new friend.
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Hello and welcome! As Stackie said chinchillas are not able to process sugars and the sugars in fruit especially dried fruit can lead to liver damage and even the chinchillas death. Rose hips are good treats for chins but no fresh or dried fruits or vegetables. Healthyly treats for Misty would be plain cherrios, 1/2 of a bite size plain shredded wheat or a small pinch of old fashioned cooking oats not the quick kind.
Hi and welcome!

Unfortunately, there are a lot of products in the stores, designed for chinchillas that are actually bad for them. It makes it hard to know what you can and can't get for them! This forum has a lot of people who are incredibly knowledgable and can give you excellent advice. Petstore employees often offer information that can be incorrect. But as said above, no fruits or veggies. Apple sticks, cheerios, plain shredded wheat, rosehips...any of those given sparingly make for good treats.

And congrats on your chin! They really do make wonderful pets!
Thanks everyone!

This may be a stupid question, but what are apple sticks? Since they are not supposed to have fruit, I take it they are not actual apples?

I researched chinchillas a lot before we bought Misty, but I guess I still have a lot to learn! I've seen on here that they shouldn't use an exercise ball. I bought one for her and the guy at the pet store said she would love it. She only sits in it though, so I just put her in it while I clean oput her cage. I try to be fast, so she's not in it long.

Thanks again for all the responses!
Hi Misty, welcome to forum :))! Stacie said it best and we hope to see pics of your chinnie as well. ;))
Apple sticks are twigs that have been processed (scrubbed, boiled, and baked) from an apple tree. Several people on here sell them, along with various other types of wood twigs.

Even sitting her in the ball long enough for you to clean her cage isn't a very good idea. It causes them to run at an awkward position, that can damage their backs..since they more hop rather than run. They can overheat in a matter of seconds, not to mention rolling around in their own pee and poo :(

I actually leave my chins in their cage while I clean..they have learned to just go into one of their tubes and sleep until I'm done.
Thanks for answering my question! Where do you buy apple sticks?

I'm looking into buying Misty a bigger cage, but right now she is in a smaller cage that I have to take the top off to dump her bedding out, so I have to take her out. I've been looking at pics of other people's cages on here. Do people use fleece instead of bedding? Doesn't it get wet and nasty, though? Or is it better for them than bedding. I'm buying Carefresh for her now, which is what they recommended at the pet store, but maybe that's not right, either.

It's so frustrating, because I really studied up and thought I was doing everything right for her. Sorry I have so many questions, but I just want to do what makes Misty the happiest and healthiest. She's become a part of our family in the 2 months we have had her. Well, except with my husband! He didn't want any pets and is not her biggest fan, but I do see him talking to her now and then, and he drove through that hail storm last monday to get her a new wheel when her old one broke, so I think he's coming around.

Thanks so much for all the advice!
You can use either the fleece or bedding. I use a fleece liner because I got tired of the mess from the aspen bedding I was using before. I have trained my chin to go pee in a litter pan. But a lot of people also use the bedding, and I think carefresh is ok as long as they don't eat it. While you are cleaning out her cage, you can put her in a carrier, or a chin safe room, or a pen. Or, as Stacie mentioned, you can just leave her in there while you clean.

Applesticks can be found at petstores, but you can get a greater amount, at a better price, from members here. They need to gnaw to keep their front teeth from overgrowing, and they love apple sticks.

We're happy to answer questions!
Hello an welcome! I learned so much when I was new to the forum, hope you'll find it as useful as I did!