Heya from Vegas

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Active member
Aug 4, 2010
Sin City
Hey there. My names Darren, from Sin City . Me and my wife have 5 chinchillas currently (two were just born recently), one of the babies might have a new home though shorty.
My 3 chins names are Paloma, Porter (wife and husband) and my bachelors name is Dog. The one baby that we are selling is unnamed and the other one is named Rogue.

heres some pics of my chins and the cage i build for Paloma and Porter.
(pics are from shortly after we got them. they are MUCH bigger now lol

Paloma (pink and white) shown in the cage.

Porter (fancy black mixed with standard.. dont know what you call that) with Paloma

Rogue , one of our newest (i believe shes a homo beige) 7 weeks old


and the unnamed chin baby lol


cant find a picture of our fancy black... have to dig one up.

look forward to being apart of the boards.

Welcome - that is a nice cage you've got there. :)

Thanks a lot. There's lots of little things id do over if i could. I built it before i knew a whole lot about chins. Some of the wood its built with isnt "chin friendly" but lucky for me they dont chew in those area much if at all. I try to keep enought chewies, toys and treats around them to keep there little teeth off the cage :)
Welcome to CnH! The one you're calling a "fancy black" looks like just an ebony to me

Hes the one that was breed with a black and a gray... i guess after looking at pictures his coloring would be considered an ebony? Hes black on his tips with gray to the base of the fur. We do have a fancy, i just cant find a picture of him.

We got the pink and white from a friend of a friend in Cleveland, got the ebony from a local breeder in Vegas, and the fancy we adopted from one of my wife's friends because he couldnt care for him anymore.

Theyre all super friendly, and let us hold them and pet them... my pink and white is skiddish but we chalked it up to her probably being pregnant again.

After reading the boards ive found out im a terrible chin dad. My fancy and my lion head rabbit not only share the same room, but actually share the same cage. I divided it in half because the cage was so big, and figured it was a great way to save space... had no idea it could "off" my chin. Were moving this week, and thats first on my to do list is get my rabbit his own house.

Thanks for the comments!
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What is a fancy? There is no such term applied to any mutation of chinchilla, so I'm a little confused.
What is a fancy? There is no such term applied to any mutation of chinchilla, so I'm a little confused.

Ive never bothered to look it up, the guy we got him from said he was called a "Fancy black" chin. Ill get a pic and maybe you guys can help "learn me" lo0l
yea thats an ebony. looks like an xdark one? someone correct me if im wrong.. did you seperate your male and female after she had the babies?? its not healthy for chins to keep being bred back to back, it puts alot of stress on them..
The only reason someone would throw "fancy" before black is to mark up the price. There are all kinds of nifty words like "rare" and "heavily marked" that help the sellers to put money in their pockets.

Fancy is not a chinchilla term. It's a back yard breeder term. You have a cute little extra dark ebony.
yea thats an ebony. looks like an xdark one? someone correct me if im wrong.. did you seperate your male and female after she had the babies?? its not healthy for chins to keep being bred back to back, it puts alot of stress on them..

I separated them, but it was too late. She had the babies when we were at the lake for 2 days. When we came home we took the male out for a few weeks, but she was acting like she was when we first thought she was pregnant last time: Skiddish, lots of shedding, doesnt like her midsection to be grabbed, doesnt really like to be held much... which are all very abnormal for her, shes usually very social. I read that bread back can happen as in little as a couple hours after the babies are born... and well... we were gone for a few days so i figured we were SOL.

Extra Dark ebony it is then lol Pardon my ignorance... im still a chin newb :)
well just letting you know its not going to be healthy to keep putting her back with the male in such short periods of time.she will just be a breeding machine..just trying to help you out. i dont want your little girl to stress out.