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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2010
Hi, just thought I'd finally introduce myself and "the chillas" as my sister likes to call them. I made sure I did all my reseach before getting chinchillas so thankfully I havn't made any of those new owner mistakes yet...i dont think ;) I have two chinchillas and both are girls. I found a add online about them and some others so I went to check them out, they were all in one cage together and the parents were just breeding back to back. One is three months and the other is six months. They have deffinatly got an attitude!! lol one day I can pick them up just fine and the next day...chomp!! Doesn't help that they are mad at me right now for not giving them raisins everyday like they got at their old home. They get other healthier substitutes now instead. Sounds like they are about to tear the cage (which is a good size with lots of kd pine ledges, toys, fleece, chews etc) down though! They litterally hang from the top of the cage as well as chew and rattle the bars!! Kinda sleep deprived at the moment hahaha. Good thing they got a new fn 142 for christmas :thumbsup: just need to finish decorating (so much fun!!) and then they can go in. yay! Well they are demanding playtime now so I better go, just wanted to say i've had lots of fun reading through all the stuff on here and seeing all the cute pictures.
Well here's a couple pics assuming I attached them right, hopefully they aren't too big either. They just moved into the fn 142 a couple days ago and are still figuring out where to sleep, they have lots of fleece in there but so far they have smooshed together on the ledge under the hole to the top level.
