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May 25, 2012
At this point I have no idea what to do. I love my dear chinnie but he doesn't ever seem to calm down. When I go to interact with him, all he cares about is running around and screwing up everything in my room. He doesn't want anything to do with me. He eats paint on my window sill, chews my curtains, and he makes me soooooo mad lately. I hear about all of the wonderful things about other chins but mine is just trouble. How can I get him cooperate and calm down for five seconds? And how can I get him to want to interact with me? Please help! (He should be around a year old and I've had him since about April?)
It sounds like you need a more restricted play area. I have found that if you give a chin a whole room to play they will be so excited and run around like crazy. This isn't a bad thing, but they won't pay any attention to you. If you restrict their area some and can sit there with them, they are more likely to interact with you. Then again, some chins just have A LOT of energy. ;)

You can check on Amazon for playpens. Ware makes one and I believe it's called "Pop up playpen". They also sell a Marshall ferret playpen that some members here have. You need to supervise your chin even though they are in a playpen, because they can still chew and escape, plus chins can do anything basically. LOL...

Also, just a tip for your chin's safety: It sounds like the room you are in is not "Chin proofed". It is not safe for chins to chew on paint (on the window sill, walls, etc). You don't want chins chewing on wooden furniture either. They will destroy it (plus you don't know if the wood is safe, treated with chemicals, etc). You need to block these areas off with cardboard or make sure they can't get near them.
Try playtime in the bathroom with the toilet lid closed, and all cords and products out of reach. You can just sit in the middle of the floor and let him come to you. He will probably use you as a jungle gym after a while.
My chin did this when I first got her. If it was exposed, she declared it to be hers. I started piling blankets under my bed, and clothes up against my door. She no longer has an interest in either of these locations and I no longer have to create a clothes mountain :p
You may make "out of cage" time mean hanging with you. Being held. Not freedom. In a short time she should look forward to being with you.
My chin did this when I first got her. If it was exposed, she declared it to be hers. I started piling blankets under my bed, and clothes up against my door. She no longer has an interest in either of these locations and I no longer have to create a clothes mountain :p

I've been doing that but my Chester just likes to climb on them:p he is being really bad lately! He bit holes in two water bottles in one day, knocks his food or and he chews on absolutely everything. he has been getting on my nerves lately because i just don't want anymore problems :p
To me it sounds like you didn't do much research on chins. If you want someone to snuggle with you need a dog or teddy bear. Sounds like a normal chin to me.
I've been doing that but my Chester just likes to climb on them:p he is being really bad lately! He bit holes in two water bottles in one day, knocks his food or and he chews on absolutely everything. he has been getting on my nerves lately because i just don't want anymore problems :p

He's not being bad he's being a chinchilla. That's what chin's do, they are curious little creatures that zip around and chew things. If he's eating holes in the water bottles you'll need to buy a glass one. Plastic can cause a deadly impaction. Now that he's learned to chew it he's not going to stop. Sorry, but that's what chins do. Once they learn something they'll do it over and over and over again. Chewing is GOOD because it helps keep the teeth healthy, you need to provide him with safe woods to chew on though. I'm sorry he's getting on your nerves, but this is what is in his nature, and you can't train him out of it. You'll either need to modify his environment to make it safe for him, or seriously consider returning him to where you bought him. I usually don't support getting rid of pets, but if you're this upset with his nature then it's not going to get better. Again, I'm sorry that this isn't what you expected, but this is 100% normal and typical chinchilla behavior.
That sounds like my girl, except she doesn't get paint and curtains to chew on, cause I have restricted her in a playpen with toys and me inside only.
They are still a menace even in the playpen, they'd try to get at the zippers, everything that can come off, chew on the sides, that's what they do, chins are little babies and curious about EVERYTHING! I've got to be there to shoo them off the sides when they are doing stuff they're not meant to.
They also will jump onto your head, and surf off your legs.
Just a friendly reminder to u that it is your responsibility to chin proof the area your chin is going to play in, they are uncontrollable and think everything is edible.
I agree completely with Brittany. You have to accept the chin 'as is' and make better arrangements for him or find a better home for the chin. As for bottles - you either need to get a bottle guard or use glass bottles. As mentioned they chew - that is what they do (chew and poo)
My chins don't get freedom time. I give them one on one time and I now have chins that will jump in my hands and also who are ok with scritches everywhere on their body..
..and I still have my baseboards. :)

Chins are what they are. Heck..sometimes the chins try to nibble on me.
I've lost two pairs of headphones, a decent shirt, and countless other items during 'attention time'.

I agree with the above. Get a chin safe room and after a while he will probably use you as a jumping board. I've had one jump up and sit on my head and shoulders. :)