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New member
Jul 29, 2012
So last night i heard a weird squeaking/choking sound. (It doesnt sound like thet bard they do) I got up to make sure he was okay and he was and I didnt hear the noise again that night. While he was out running around the next day i heard him doing it again, when I checked on him he got scared and ran. I dont know if he has something stuck in his throat or if this is just another noise they make, he hasnt done it before last night and since then i have heard it only randomly. He has also become more easily scared..
I think you are describing the "lets scare the pants off Mom at 3am" scream, some will scream like they are being killed, some will make this strange scream hiccup, its "normal" chin noise.
I agree with melbur, if you think there might be something caught in his throat, you should take him for a vet visit
Sounds like the chinnie death scream. I hate that. It sends me running for the chin room every time. I flip on the lights, look around frantically, and the chins all look at me like I'm a moron.
Sounds like the chinnie death scream. I hate that. It sends me running for the chin room every time. I flip on the lights, look around frantically, and the chins all look at me like I'm a moron.

Sounds like my house. I have yet to determine the culprit. :wacko:
Yazy is the one who does it here and every time I go check on her or get up at 3am because she does it then too. I get a look of well since your up let me