HELP! The girls are fighting!

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Chinchilla Goddess
Sep 7, 2011
Marquette Heights, IL
My four girls were getting a long sharing toys and everything, then out of no where Luna started to fight with Volt then fight with Holly and Ivy now they all are fighting! What do I do! They all lived together peaceful in once cage before! Now there is chasing, barking, spraying. What should I do!
I would go first thing in the morning and buy an extra cage to separate the chins. I would try to put them into pairs if possible, but if one alone is starting the fights, she may have to go in by herself.
I have a 3 level Ferret nation. I can give her a floor. Everyone else seems to be calm right now. I put Volt back in, Luna is still in the carrier. I checked on the mum and noticed that there was a lot of Volts fur around. I think Luna was pulling it. Everyone else seems to have no sores or anything. They are skidish of each other now. They are each on different floors. When one goes to the other they bark at each other then go back to their floors. But no contact.
Like Tiffany said, I would go out and buy a cage or two. There's always a risk that multiple chins will turn on eachother at anytime. I just picked up a decent Superpet cage for $30 at PetSmart. Since I travel for Christmas I have a temp cage for each chin. They also come in handy when you need to quarentine a sick animal.
Just as all the others have said, split the girls. You need to go to the store and pick up a spare cage. My general rule of thumb is each of my girls must be able to have their own cage. Do you still have the solid pans that came with your FN? If so, put them back in. The girls may never get along again. Be prepared for that. Do they all have carriers? Do you have a vet, if needed? I ask these questions because you've picked up 6 chins in less than a year. I don't want to sound like I'm judging you. I'm just concerned for you and the girls. You've taken on a lot in a short amount of time.
Well right now I have 5 chinchillas. I do have a vet and a carrier for each of them. No I do not think you are Judging me I am sleepy and frustrated. :) Right now all is at peace. Everyone is separated But there is soft squeaks going on from everyone.
You have 5 because one of your girls had an unfortunate accident. You just rescued another. Now there is fighting. This is where my concern is coming from. I'm glad the girls are separated. Personally, I would keep them that way.
Since you have a 3 level Fn it's easy to separate chins. Just block off the hole by turning your bass pans around and putting a chin chiller over the grated side.
Yeah i will keep them all separated, do combined playtimes if they will be have. I will keep an eye out for a 2 lvl FN put annie in one floor and another in the other floor.
Yeah i will keep them all separated, do combined playtimes if they will be have. I will keep an eye out for a 2 lvl FN put annie in one floor and another in the other floor.

You may not have to separate them all permanently. Instead of buying another 142, why not get a cheap $30 temp cage? Keep them all separated for a week or so, to let them cool down. Start with the girls who weren't involved in the initial fight and slowly try to re-intro some of them. You may be able to get them into a few pairs or trios. As long as no blood was shed, there's hope for some of them to be friends again. If one chin was noticably the aggressor I'd keep her separated permanently.
Volt and Luna were the main ones fighting. I have a temp cage I will keep Luna in. I think I will keep Ivy and Holly together on 2 floors then Volt has one floor of her own.
Are all 5 in the same cage?

If Volt and Luna were fighting, I'd pull them from the group. Leave the others that weren't fighting together and watch them super close.
Get a temp cage for each Volt and Luna, separate them for a week, and see about reintroducing them. I'd start with reintroducing Volt, since it seemed that Luna started the fight. If everything goes well there, try reintroducing Luna. If all goes will they are together but watch super close.

If it doesn't go well after reintroducing Volt, pull Volt again and try introducing Luna. If it still doesn't go well, you have to decided...leave Volt and Luna by themselves in their own cages, or separate the remaining of the group to find them a friend.

Just my opinion. =)
Okay Im going to do Volt Holly and Ivy together on the top 2 floors because Volt is getting along with Holly and Ivy. Then Luna on the bottom floor by herself.
no it was only 4 involved the 5th has her own cage. But I think Ivy and holly the moms will stay together in the top 2 floors. They are getting a long

Then Volt will take the bottom floor.

and Luna will be in Annies old cage for now until I decide what to do.

I am sorry, This is confusing and frustrating. I got like 3 hours of sleep if that. I am trying to make room for another cage and cleaning. I have to make shelves for the other cage now.
Luna cage is fully finished. It is just her temp cage. I know It is not big enough. But it will have to do at the moment.

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