Help - something is wrong with my cockatiel!

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Jan 30, 2009
Washington State
I know some of you have birds and may be able to help. I have posted this on a tiel forum I belong to, but the more help the better!

I have had my cockatiel since November. She suffered a prolapse in November but has been healthy since then. Yesterday she seemed fine, although I was out of the house quite a bit. When I held her last night, she had an explosive huge poop, not like her usual small but constant poops. She eats only pellets as she refuses human food. She is drawn to crunchy foods like tortilla chips - and she had some yesterday. She also will eat a little bit of my turkey bacon, although I don't know if the turkey bacon is ok for her to eat or not. I know the chips aren't but she'll beg until we give her a few bites. She was anxious for me to let her out of her cage this morning, as always, but soon afterward, retreated to under the coffee table and then under her cage. She appeared all fluffed up and panting. I thought she was overheated, but she feels cool to the touch. Her beak is open slightly and she appears to be panting. Does anyone have an idea as to what may be going on and what I can do for her?
If you are sure she is not overheated, I would bring her to a bird vet pronto!! Birds stay fluffed up when they are sick. I've heard of a macaw that enjoyed a bunch of chips with his owner and died from all the sodium. However, I don't know if your bird ate enough to cause this.

I'm sorry...wish I could offer more :(
I took Lola to the vet and she was really panting hard, sitting at the bottom of her travel cage, all fluffed up. The vet took an xray and there is no egg inside her. He's going to treat her for respiratory first by keeping her in an incubator and giving her antibiotic injections. There is also a mass present in the xray and her stomach was rock hard. If the antibiotics don't help, he is going to assume the problem is with the mass, which may be pressing up against her lungs. This means risky surgery. My hubby won't let me spend hundreds of dollars with surgery, which I informed the vet. He said before we consider the possibily of euthanesia, he would perform surgery, free of charge, and find out what's going on with her. He is such a great vet. I am not overly optimistic, though. The news wasn't good and I'm waiting to hear from him tomorrow. I cried all the way home and feel absolutely drained now. Poor Lola, I hope she'll be ok.
Lola died during the night at the vet's office. He believes she had a huge tumor that her body just couldn't deal with anymore. I'm a mess right now...thanks for your kind wishes.
Jenn I'm so sorry to hear about the beautiful Lola. I was praying for her so much!