Hello everyone, im looking forward to getting to know you all :)

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Loves my spiky girl :)
May 8, 2011
Hi there my name is Cara, i looked after my daughters hedgehog whilst she moved home, wow i was so surprised on how friendly & adorable she was. I now have a hegie of my own, she was a rescue, she has been badly treated & has no trust at all, she hides all the time. I am wanting to know how the best way to help her is. Thankfully i have the time & patience. I try not to feel sorry for her when im near her as dont want to pass on any negativity. I have had her with me for 5 days now. I am looking forward to getting answers to many a question i have & getting to know you all.

Thank you for having this site, i can see it is going to help immensely :)
Hi Cara, and welcome! I think it is great that you rescued this hedgie! I bet with the time and patience you give her that she will learn to trust you and will be a wonderful addition to your household!
Welcome to CnH.

Glad you were able to step in and help this little abused one. Lots of time and patience is the key - you can hold her on your lap while she's under some fleece or in a hedgie bag so she'll feel safely hidden while getting to know you.
Welcome, Cara! I'm new too and I also have a chinchilla who was from a neglecting owner. It just a lot of time and patience, we've had him for a year and sometimes he is still a bit untrusting to strangers. However he and his partner just had their first kit so he is more concerned about being a good chinchilla dad.

Try putting your hand in the cage and let him sniff at it, and also if you pet him, let him get used to you. And huge kudos to you on adopting a chinchilla! We need more people like you =)

Welcome to the forum and good luck with your hedgie! Five days is a short time, I've had my two gals (chins) for 4 months and we're still working on our relationship. Lol. *Crosses fingers*