Hello CnH, from San Bernardino CA

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Jun 10, 2011
San Bernardino CA
My family and I are happy new owners of 2 chins. My kids named them Roxy and Juliet. We got them from a pet store along with all the things the employee recommended. Which we soon realized was all not in the best interest of our new pet's:banghead:. After some careful research and info from CnH forums. We got pointed in the right direction. :thanks4:
Hi and welcome! Hopefully you can return any unneeded supplies back to the petstore. Unfortunately they are not always the best source for good information. We would love to see pics ;)
This may sound elementary but how do you upload a photo? I have the image saved on my desktop on my i mac i just cant get it to pop up in the preview. The only thing that it shows is box with a ? in it