heating advice

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Jan 8, 2012
Does anyone recommend a source of heat, Im nervous to buy a heater if I am gone during the day, does anyone use other methods or do heaters work ok?
I have 2 hedgies and use a heater that is set to 80 degrees and comes on automatically when the temp. in the bedroom dips lower. I can understand your relucatance with the heater. It has worked well for me.
I am not a hedgie owner, but I use a space heater for for my spider room. If you choose to go with a space heater, I also recommend one has a thermostat, it will turn on when temperatures go below your desired setting. I use a bionaire tower. It has a safety that will automatically shut the heater off when it is knocked over, or even just slightly tipped, which I think is great. My space heater is plugged in 24/7 during the winter, and I've had no problems.
I use an oil-filled space heater. I've used one in the hedgehogs' room since I've had hedgehogs and have never had a problem with them. I prefer the oil filled ones because while they do an excellent job of heating the room, they also do not get so hot that they burn you if you brush up against it.

I have a rotary dial version, because the digital versions do not turn back on if they lose power, where the dialed version will.

If a space heater isn't to your liking, do some searches for ceramic heat emitter setups. I don't personally use them, but CHEs are used by quite a few people and they seem to work well for them.
I understand your concern about the heater being on when not at home but every hedgehog owner goes through the same concerns.

When buying a heater, make sure you but a good name brand one. Don't use your grandmas old heater or get one at a yard sale. With use heater wiring becomes brittle and that is when they become dangerous.

The oil filled heaters are safer than ones with a fan or that oscillates. Moving parts are something to wear out and become a hazard.

I use a oil filled heater. It is a digital one because someone is almost always home here so if the power goes off and the heater shuts off it is no big deal. The first couple of years I had a rotary dial one. They are a bit trickier to get the temperature adjusted properly but there is no worry if the power goes out and back on.
Oil heater is definitely best as mentioned. I work with the Fire Commissioner's office, and it is by far the safest one. Buy a known brand, keep an eye on the cords and keep it at least a few feet away from anything and you are good to go.