Green colored poop

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
Hi there. I just changed my chinchilla's door
D from mazuri to oxbow. And 2 days later his poop turned green and only one of my chin. My other chin is alright. The poop is ok. The poop is not wet but has a slight smell. Can you please advise?
Your chin is getting used to eating the new food and the digestive system is adjusting. You need to give it some time and possibly some probiotic to help with the transition. The chinchilla will be alright, but it could take a few more days for the droppings to go back to a normal color - UNLESS there is another problem with the chin and then you may need to go to the vet. Hopefully this is just a feed change problem and not an issue with parasites or bacterial infection. Chances are that it is just the feed but you need to keep a close watch on the chinchilla to be sure.